mvdan / sh

A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
6.96k stars 330 forks source link

syntax: consider zsh support #120

Open caarlos0 opened 7 years ago

caarlos0 commented 7 years ago

Congratz for the great tool!

Would be nice to have zsh support.

mvdan commented 7 years ago

Zsh is a massively complex shell - even more so than Bash - so let me ask a few questions first.

Why? Is there much Zsh code in the wild? From what I can tell, Bash, POSIX Shell and mksh already cover pretty much everything.

Is there a language spec for Zsh? If there's none, is there a document that summarizes all the language features?

The bottom line is that I fear this would be an insane amount of work for little benefit. I never use Zsh, so there's also that - I have no personal incentive to do it.

Also /cc @D630 who suggested zsh alongside mksh (the last one I did, it wasn't much work on top of Bash/POSIX)

mvdan commented 7 years ago

Also note that I would put Zsh in a similar spot as Fish. They're cooler, newer shells that - as far as I know - are popular as interactive shells. But not so much for scripts that you maintain over time. Those tend to be in Bash or POSIX Shell, since you want the scripts to run on as many systems as possible. This is the kind of shell code that shfmt is for.

caarlos0 commented 7 years ago

Also note that I would put Zsh in a similar spot as Fish. They're cooler, newer shells that - as far as I know - are popular as interactive shells. But not so much for scripts that you maintain over time. Those tend to be in Bash or POSIX Shell, since you want the scripts to run on as many systems as possible. This is the kind of shell code that shfmt is for.

yeah, I agree.

incognitoRepo commented 5 years ago

hello, no disagreements here. but I saw a very similar response in the equally "dam this is useful" shellcheck repo (im coming from vscode). now, im no shell expert, but i always had the impression zsh was the #2 game in town. at least, anyone who seems to care about aesthetics is almost guaranteed to be on zsh. its actually a bit disappointing to learn that its not that important (i.e., major tools don't support it). and really, i guess thats more on zsh people (who could make a spec or a pull req or smth). anyhow, thats just for context. great package!

mvdan commented 4 years ago

@incognitoRepo please note my earlier point about interactive shells. zsh may be popular as an interactive shell, but this tool is for scripts and programs one maintains. Can anyone provide proof that zsh is popular as a scripting language too? I've personally never come across a script in it, but I might be biased.

That's just as far as utility goes; after that, we'd also have to consider how much work it would be. I probably wouldn't have the time to impement all of its syntax features, particularly since bash support isn't even complete yet :)

texastoland commented 4 years ago

As of macOS Catalina (the current version) it's the default shell for new user accounts. It may result in more requests. I agree it won't increase real-world usage though.

Is there a language spec for Zsh? If there's none, is there a document that summarizes all the language features?

There's a pretty hefty manual (PDF) that I mainly reference when I see a glob or expansion I'm not familiar with. I couldn't find any formal grammar at all.

mvdan commented 4 years ago

Huh, interesting, I didn't know Mac had switched over. I'm not sure if that will result in people writing more zsh scripts, though.

mvdan commented 4 years ago

Different people have pinged me about the macOS move in the past few weeks, so let's reopen this issue for now.



I'm honestly about 50/50 on this right now. Thoughts welcome; please keep it concise so that the thread doesn't derail.

theclapp commented 4 years ago

I used to use zsh daily. (More and more now I use mvdan/sh/interp! :) I wrote some scripts in it, almost entirely for my own use. My workplace(s) for years have generally been bash shops, so anything I wanted to share, I felt like I had to either heavily comment / document it, or just translate to bash. (In fairness, that wasn't usually a huge burden, but it was usually non-zero, nevertheless.)

So I like zsh, don't get me wrong!

But I also agree that it's very large, and kind of ad-hoc. It does kind of feel like there's an underlying logic to it, but that can be hard to suss out / reverse engineer.

I think it'd be fair to say "zsh maintainer wanted", and maybe implement often-used, low-hanging fruit, as time, demand, and contributions allow. (I was going to mention ** as a feature in zsh I miss a lot in bash, but I checked the bash manual and it turns out bash can do that, so I guess the joke's on me there. :)

Have you considered inquiring on the zsh mailing lists for collaborators?

mvdan commented 4 years ago

But I also agree that it's very large, and kind of ad-hoc.

The good news here is that I'm only considering parser and printer support, i.e. just the syntax. Zsh is different from Bash in lots of ways when it comes to running a script, but we don't care because I don't think it would ever be a good idea to add a "zsh mode" in the interpreter.

implement often-used, low-hanging fruit, as time, demand, and contributions allow.

This would definitely be a best-effort basis :) That's how we're doing Bash too. It would be insane to try to reach 100% syntax compatibility in a single release.

Have you considered inquiring on the zsh mailing lists for collaborators?

That's a good idea. I guess I can phrase it as an FYI, to see if there would be interest from any zsh developers or heavy users.

texastoland commented 4 years ago

I keep using shfmt and shellcheck with my zsh files. Most of the differences are semantic rather than syntactic. Here's an obtuse yet idiomatic example that doesn't parse:

#                ┌ nesting
#                │  ┌ flags ┌ modifiers
#                ▼  ▼       ▼
export ZDOTDIR=${${(%):-%x}:P:h}
# ...globbing also has additions

I see three potential levels of support:

  1. Encourage encapsulation of unparseable code in separate files. It hasn't been too inconvenient for personal scripts. I'd write larger scripts in a different language anyway.
  2. Support some comment to skip parsing the next line.
  3. Only support differences at the highest level. My example highlights all the additions to expansions. You could test against one of the frameworks for edge cases.
mvdan commented 4 years ago

Encourage encapsulation of unparseable code in separate files.

That's pretty much what we have today though, no?

Support some comment to skip parsing the next line.

I don't think we want to do this. The parser should just parse code statically, without understanding special comments or anything like that.

Only support differences at the highest level.

I'm not sure if I understand. If we support zsh syntax, we should aim at supporting all of its documented syntax, just like we do with bash.

texastoland commented 4 years ago

That's pretty much what we have today though, no?

That's what I meant.

I don't think we want to do this.

To me it's the simplest and friendliest solution in the meantime.

The parser should just parse code statically, without understanding special comments or anything like that.

I didn't understand about statically. It's essentially like a comment or heredoc but ending after the first non-comment line instead of some token.

If we support zsh syntax, we should aim at supporting all of its documented syntax, just like we do with bash.

For instance expansions can start with flags in parentheses (${(%)...} in my example). Those flags can take arguments themselves separated by potentially arbitrary characters similar to pattern expansions. Rather than fully suss it out you could leave everything in those parentheses like a "todo" in the AST. That might lower the barrier to a minimally viable solution.

texastoland commented 4 years ago

I thought the only syntactic differences were related to expansion and globbing but I recently stumbled on code in the wild using alternate syntax for control structures.

texastoland commented 4 years ago
  • Support some comment to skip parsing the next line.

I ended up implementing this with a wrapper script:

#! /usr/bin/env zsh

# match: # no-parse: explain here
typeset pattern='^\s*#\s*no-parse.*\s+'

# comment next lines
fastmod --accept-all "$pattern" '$0#' "$@"
shfmt -w -s "$@"
# revert commented lines
fastmod --accept-all "(${pattern})#" '$1' "$@"
ajeetdsouza commented 2 years ago

While there may not be as many small zsh scripts in the wild, there are definitely far more plugins, which are large codebases written in pure zsh. I think they would stand to benefit the most from a formatter. Some of the ones I use:

I already use shfmt for zoxide's bash and posix plugins, I would love to use it for zsh as well.

mvdan commented 2 years ago

I'm strongly leaning towards implementing zsh support in the syntax package (and shfmt). The only question is allocating the 2-3 weeks of continuous work to get to a working prototype :)

If you would like to help by testing in the future, please react with the "eyes" emoji on this comment and I'll be in touch.

docwhat commented 2 years ago

IIRC zsh itself can dump out an abstract syntax tree. That could be useful for testing.

mvdan commented 2 years ago

@docwhat very interesting - can you share how to do that?

docwhat commented 2 years ago

The project I first learned about it was zdharma/zinit ... however, the owner deleted everything. It's moved to zdharma-continuum (yay! opensource!) but I'll have to dig around again to figure it out.

zinit uses the zsh parser to allow it to use syntax like this:

# All the same:
zinit --as=something
zinit as"something"
docwhat commented 2 years ago

Ah, here we go...

In zshexpn under Parameter Expansion Flags:

z Split the result of the expansion into words using shell parsing to find the words, i.e. taking into account any quoting in the value. Comments are not treated specially but as ordinary strings, similar to interactive shells with the INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option unset (however, see the Z flag below for related options)

Note that this is done very late, even later than the (s) flag. So to access single words in the result use nested expansions as in ${${(z)foo}[2]}. Likewise, to remove the quotes in the resulting words use ${(Q)${(z)foo}}.

Z:opts: As z but takes a combination of option letters between a following pair of delimiter characters. With no options the effect is identical to z. (Z+c+) causes comments to be parsed as a string and retained; any field in the resulting array beginning with an unquoted comment character is a comment. (Z+C+) causes comments to be parsed and removed. The rule for comments is standard: anything between a word starting with the third character of $HISTCHARS, default #, up to the next newline is a comment. (Z+n+) causes unquoted newlines to be treated as ordinary whitespace, else they are treated as if they are shell code delimiters and converted to semicolons. Options are combined within the same set of delimiters, e.g. (Z+Cn+).



read -r -d '' codetext <<'CODE'
# A function to help with diction.
the_rain() {
  local rain="falls mainly in the plain"
  echo "in spain ${(qq)rain}"
# end of the_rain

declare -r -a codearr=( "${(Z:c:@)codetext}" )

declare -i c=0 i=0
declare last=';'
for item in "${(@)codearr}"; do
  [[ $item == '{' ]] && ((i++))
  [[ $item == '}' ]] && ((i--))
  if [[ $last == ';' ]]; then
    for i in {0..$i}; do echo -n '  '; done
  if [[ $item == ';' ]]; then
    tput setaf $((c + 1))
    echo -n ">${item}< "
    c=$(( ((c+1) % 7)))


If you run it you get this (except the colors don't show up here):

  ># A function to help with diction.< 
  >the_rain< >()< >{< 
    >local< >rain="falls mainly in the plain"< 
    >echo< >"in spain ${(qq)rain}"< 
  ># end of the_rain< 
marlonrichert commented 2 years ago

@docwhat @mvdan

There's no need to parse Zsh code to be able to format it. Zsh can actually format it for you! 🙂

If you put the code into a function, then functions -x<tab size> <func name> can be used to print out fully formatted code, minus any comments or blank lines. For example:

% setopt interactivecomments
% tmp() {

read -r -d '' codetext <<'CODE'
# A function to help with diction.
the_rain() {
  local rain="falls mainly in the plain"
  echo "in spain ${(qq)rain}"
# end of the_rain

declare -r -a codearr=( "${(Z:c:@)codetext}" )

declare -i c=0 i=0; declare last=';'
for item in "${(@)codearr}"; do
[[ $item == '{' ]] && 
[[ $item == '}' ]] && 
if [[ $last == ';' ]]; then
for i in {0..$i}; do echo -n '  '; done
if [[ $item == ';' ]]; then echo; else
tput setaf $((c + 1))
echo -n ">${item}< "
c=$(( ((c+1) % 7)))

% functions -x2 tmp
  read -r -d '' codetext <<'CODE'
# A function to help with diction.
the_rain() {
  local rain="falls mainly in the plain"
  echo "in spain ${(qq)rain}"
# end of the_rain
  declare -r -a codearr=("${(Z:c:@)codetext}") 
  declare -i c=0 i=0 
  declare last=';' 
  for item in "${(@)codearr}"
    [[ $item == '{' ]] && ((i++))
    [[ $item == '}' ]] && ((i--))
    if [[ $last == ';' ]]
      for i in {0..$i}
        echo -n '  '
    if [[ $item == ';' ]]
      tput setaf $((c + 1))
      echo -n ">${item}< "
      c=$(( ((c+1) % 7))) 

After that, you can use the output of ${(Z+C+)…} to fine-tune the formatting:

denysdovhan commented 2 years ago

Hey, I'm the author of @spaceship-prompt (almost 17K stars and 12K lines of code). Looking forward to using shfmt against my codebase 🙂

yutkat commented 1 year ago

I found this one.

marlonrichert commented 1 year ago

@yutkat Doesn't look like that has Zsh support either, though.

yutkat commented 1 year ago

Although support is not explicitly noted, but it worked fine in my zsh program.

0xdevalias commented 1 year ago

Currently the main/only thing i've noticed shfmt breaking within my zsh scripts is this sort of syntax:

-if (( $+commands[git] ))
+if (($ + commands[git])); then

Where the $ + command (instead of $+command) then becomes invalid zsh script, and causes the script to break.

gibfahn commented 1 year ago

The above formatting is weird but not the end of the world, but I find this syntax tends to cause shfmt to error completely and not format the file:

cd $project_dir
❯ shfmt -w foo.zsh
foo.zsh:13:20: ternary operator missing ? before :
nimish commented 1 year ago

There's definitely some bogus problems raised when dealing with zsh:


Is valid zsh but has a spurious parameter expansion error.

Given macOS is shifting to zsh, I have been encountering more and more zsh-isms.

pboushy commented 9 months ago

I'm a "MacAdmin" working at a large company. Our rule is if you can write the script easily in POSIX sh, do that. If your script need arrays or anything complex use ZSH.

I know many other companies are doing the same. is one of the main websites for learning how to script on macOS, and all his latest stuff is ZSH.

Adding ZSH support would be awesome.

I mentioned to the shellcheck maintainer that I'd be willing to contribute if they can provide some guidance on bite-size pieces to tackle first. But then I discovered it's written in Haskell... which requires learning an entirely new language for me on top of taking on a complex enough area already. While I don't have a lot of experience with go, I'm not brand new to it.

rseichter commented 2 months ago

Here's an example of a valid ZSH statement which is not valid for BASH. The statement is part of my .zshrc and works fine there.

. "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh"

shfmt -w filename returns the error "parameter expansion requires a literal". Out of curiosity, I also tried shellcheck -s bash filename, resulting in error SC2296.

I use ZSH on all my macOS and Linux based machines, and I would appreciate ZSH support in shfmt. Thanks.

jansorg commented 2 months ago

After implementing initial Zsh support for BashSupport Pro I can confirm that it would be a huge amount of work to implement Zsh support for shfmt. Most notable differences I've found:

tl;dr Zsh is an even more complex language than Bash and adding support would take a lot of time

mvdan commented 2 months ago

Fully agreed with @jansorg, even more so because both bash and zsh are languages that work "as documented and implemented" without a formal spec, so they tend to have undocumented behaviors and evolve rapidly to add new features. At the same time, shfmt can work OK for many people in practice with partial support for the most commonlly used features. Just look at the earliest releases of this software - bash support was very limited and buggy, but some people still used it.

I also wanted to give signs of life, as I haven't given an update in over two years. This is very much still planned, but I'll keep quiet until I find the time to work on a prototype, because it doesn't feel right to make promises on ETAs.

rseichter commented 2 months ago

I am certain that adding ZSH support is not an easy task, and my previous comment was mostly meant to indicate that I am a member of the potentially growing group of people who would be grateful if shfmt supported the ZSH language. No pressure, just something on my wish list worth mentioning. 😉

mvdan commented 2 months ago

No worries, this thread and the added comments aren't causing me any sort of stress right now. I just noticed it's already been over two years since I last gave an update (geez, already?) so I wanted to briefly update again.