mvdkwast / obsidian-copy-as-html

Obsidian plugin: copy document as HTML, including images
MIT License
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Ability to keep local images src, Adding custom class to container div element #64

Closed HMLeeSoundcat closed 2 days ago

HMLeeSoundcat commented 1 week ago

First of all, thank you for making a good plugin. It is very helpful for publishing my obsidian document on the website with the WYSIWYG editor.

But I had to edit the plugin script to use in various environments, it would be great if some functions were supported by default.

  1. Keeping local images src as it is -> When many images are included in an obsidian document, encoding and pasting the whole converted HTML takes some time. Rather than encoding images to base64, I think keeping the original app://image-path in the src is useful in some cases. (After pasting the HTML source, users can replace the image with the proper one.


  async replaceImageSource(image) {
    const imageSourcePath = decodeURI(image.src);
    if (this.options.leaveLocalImages) {
// if the option 'leaveLocalImages' is toggled on, do not replace the image source..
    } else {
      if (imageSourcePath.startsWith(this.vaultUriPrefix)) {
        let path = imageSourcePath.substring(this.vaultUriPrefix.length + 1).replace(/[?#].*/, "");
        path = decodeURI(path);
        const mimeType = this.guessMimeType(path);
        const data = await this.readFromVault(path, mimeType);
        if (this.isSvg(mimeType) && this.options.convertSvgToBitmap) {
          image.src = await this.imageToDataUri(data);
        } else {
          image.src = data;
      } else {
        image.src = await this.imageToDataUri(image.src);
  1. Adding custom class to container div -> It would be useful when using a custom stylesheet. If I want to post my obsidian document on a website (but not an independent document), the stylesheet should not make changes to the original website appearance. I think adding a class to the container div would resolve this problem!


  async renderMarkdown(markdown, path) {
    const processedMarkdown = this.preprocessMarkdown(markdown);
    const wrapper = document.createElement("div");
    if (this.options.customClassDiv) { // adding custom class to wrapper div
      wrapper.className = this.options.customClassDiv; 
    } = "hidden";
    await import_obsidian.MarkdownRenderer.render(, processedMarkdown, wrapper, path, this.view);
    await this.untilRendered();
    const result = wrapper.cloneNode(true);
    return result;

Thanks again for making this plugin!

mvdkwast commented 2 days ago

Hi @HMLeeSoundcat, thanks for your report !

It seems that your use-case is publishing HTML documents from Obsidian, which is not entirely what I had in mind when I wrote this plugin. In fact, its main purpose was to convert all types of image representations (images, diagrams etc...) to data:base64 for inclusion in gmail or word documents.

Now, you're not the first one asking for this :

So would the following cover your use-case ?

mvdkwast commented 2 days ago

As the requests seemed to be covered by other enhancements, the issue is now closed.

If the latest version (0.8.0) doesn't cover your needs, feel free to reopen or create a new issue !