mvslovers / brexx370

MVS version of Vasilis Vlachoudis awesome rexx implementation
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BRexx370 Observations #74

Closed NicClouston closed 4 years ago

NicClouston commented 4 years ago

BRexx Comments

These comments result from my attempt to convert just one (a short one, at that) of my z/OS Rexx execs to run under BRexx370.

1 - PARSE SOURCE, in batch, does not return the name of the program being interpreted 2 - EXECIO . Return codes are not documented - need a minimum of all OK and EOF before reading all requested records plus diagnostic messages eg dataset not found, I/O error. . Gives a return code of 0 even though the stem to be written does not exist . Needs, as a minimum, the same functionality as that given by EXECIO from OORexx . DISKR . DISKRU . DISKW . OPEN . FINIS . specify number of records to read/write 3 - ADDRESS documentation does not list the environments. I used ADDRESS() to get and display the environment and it said SYSTEM but when I used ADDRESS SYSTEM to submit a batch job I got a return code of -1 as I did with the undocumented TSO. There is no documentation on what a -1 means. 4 - For documentation we are referred to that for the PC. Does that mean that ALL keywords/functions/options documented there are available in this version with that same synatx/option list? If not then differences should be explicitly noted. I would prefer a totally new documentation set - as a PDF (with the contents at the front and index at the back).

mgrossmann commented 4 years ago

Hello, Nic,

As you have correctly noticed, there is no complete documentation for each of the features we have added. We try to describe each new function in a rudimentary way, but unfortunately, we don't have the capacity for documentation like IBM's. We apologize for this and invite you to help us with this. The original documentation is untouched by us. The largest part of this documentation should still exist. We have had to remove some things that cannot be used on the mainframe. A few functions have been extended. The original documentation together with the PDF's we deliver must be sufficient at this time.

Happy BREXXing