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Motor adaptation and generalization of reaching movements using motor primitives based on spatial coordinates #77

Open mxochicale opened 3 years ago

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

Motor adaptation and generalization of reaching movements using motor primitives based on spatial coordinates


Hirokazu Tanaka, Terrence J Sejnowski


The brain processes sensory and motor information in a wide range of coordinate systems, ranging from retinal coordinates in vision to body-centered coordinates in areas that control musculature. Here we focus on the coordinate system used in the motor cortex to guide actions and examine physiological and psychophysical evidence for an allocentric reference frame based on spatial coordinates. When the equations of motion governing reaching dynamics are expressed as spatial vectors, each term is a vector cross product between a limb-segment position and a velocity or acceleration. We extend this computational framework to motor adaptation, in which the cross-product terms form adaptive bases for canceling imposed perturbations. Coefficients of the velocity- and acceleration-dependent cross products are assumed to undergo plastic changes to compensate the force-field or visuomotor perturbations. Consistent with experimental findings, each of the cross products had a distinct reference frame, which predicted how an acquired remapping generalized to untrained location in the workspace. In response to force field or visual rotation, mainly the coefficients of the velocity- or acceleration-dependent cross products adapted, leading to transfer in an intrinsic or extrinsic reference frame, respectively. The model further predicted that remapping of visuomotor rotation should under- or overgeneralize in a distal or proximal workspace. The cross-product bases can explain the distinct patterns of generalization in visuomotor and force-field adaptation in a unified way, showing that kinematic and dynamic motor adaptation need not arise through separate neural substrates.



author = {Tanaka, Hirokazu and Sejnowski, Terrence J.},
title = {Motor adaptation and generalization of reaching movements using motor primitives based on spatial coordinates},
journal = {Journal of Neurophysiology},
volume = {113},
number = {4},
pages = {1217-1233},
year = {2015},
doi = {10.1152/jn.00002.2014},
    note ={PMID: 25429111},

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