mxsdev / nvim-dap-vscode-js

nvim-dap adapter for vscode-js-debug
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Entrypoint does not exist #31

Closed sschneider-ihre-pvs closed 1 year ago

sschneider-ihre-pvs commented 1 year ago

Could it be that this go renamed to just debugServer.js?

sschneider-ihre-pvs commented 1 year ago

oh the default path was just off since I am using Lazy.

sschneider-ihre-pvs commented 1 year ago

ok, the debugger_path has problems with windows paths

sschneider-ihre-pvs commented 1 year ago

...\opt\vscode-js-debug\out/src/vsDebugServer.js mixed / and \

sschneider-ihre-pvs commented 1 year ago

arg different error again :D

IzioDev commented 11 months ago

How did you solve this issue @sschneider-ihre-pvs ?

I installed js dap server using Mason, located in /home/romain/.local/share/nvim/mason/packages/js-debug-adapter/.

I'm using Lazy too, what did you ended up with?

ungrim97 commented 10 months ago

Newer versions of the vscode-js-debug seem to have alternate builds.

Mason uses the dapDebugServer build rather than the older vsDebugServer. This means that for versions after 1.76.1 of vscode-js-debug there is no '/out/src/vsDebugServer.js', instead the path is Entrypoint path is now js-debug/src/dapDebugServer.js

I suspect the easiest thing will be to update to allow a configurable entry point relative to the debugger_path.

For now those using mason-dap-nvim to install vscode-js-debug can use version 1.76.1 instead of the latest 1.82