The program uses "Copperplate Gothic Bold" to show the round number.
This font seems not to be standard on windows machines any more, and it downgrades to "default MS sans-serif". Which is okay and all, but a very different view from designed.
It looks like "addprivatefont" is False for wxPython on windows, so that's out too.
Licensing issues might cause an issue with providing the font on github (but a link and instructions should be okay).
Or we could just find a font that looks nice and is globally available.
The program uses "Copperplate Gothic Bold" to show the round number.
This font seems not to be standard on windows machines any more, and it downgrades to "default MS sans-serif". Which is okay and all, but a very different view from designed.
It looks like "addprivatefont" is False for wxPython on windows, so that's out too.
Licensing issues might cause an issue with providing the font on github (but a link and instructions should be okay).
Or we could just find a font that looks nice and is globally available.