mykeylab / keyid-eth-contracts

KEY ID contracts on Ethereum
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 2 forks source link


MYKEY is a decentralized smart wallet, which means MYKEY account is a smart contract, rather than an EOA address. This highly improves security and usability.
MYKEY has 3 main characteristics:

MYKEY contract structure diagram

MYKEY smart contracts can be divided by function into 4 main modules: Account Module, Account Storage Module, Logic Management Module and Logic Module.

Contract Mainnet Address Ropsten Testnet Address
Account 0xEf004D954999EB9162aeB3989279eFf2161D5095 0xcb72410150c06CfA95E224dA868EC12e8876FAD5
AccountCreator 0x185479FB2cAEcbA11227db4186046496D6230243 0x7E7cBD4e3a5D66FBD67f1CF46d4376ade597a060
AccountStorage 0xADc92d1fD878580579716d944eF3460E241604b7 0x6185Dd4709982c03750e03FA8b3fF30D042585b9
LogicManager 0xDF8aC96BC9198c610285b3d1B29de09621B04528 0x9651C050C7E43d84e20629149000C96CF3D8e258
AccountLogic 0x205dc661Ee6946319ebb0698A017BCc20549910F 0x2F1396Dfc9b799AdEE4277077aE0d99a9Aa091da
TransferLogic 0x1C2349ACBb7f83d07577692c75B6D7654899BF10 0x4c57328b67fc81c5c85bfa4f296eb4d106932369
DualsigsLogic 0x142914E134348E51c5f402bAeD81810A1f829e7B 0x4E5ACA81a1276805c09E724EB550a1DA06Fc840E
DappLogic 0xf9bb55b6a14acd32066182f0f5f0296073f5d054 0x0750efc1893971f08ca35dad02e4c5b9a6667e9e
ProposalLogic 0xdc4a5151c0f29f6defa09b383d04b95d587fa275 0xd9144d661B9E5F6eF838645116545CADCB589221
CommonStaticLogic 0x910119bee96c7a03dd2597d4596e88bdf3aff682 0xc34963be7C465f708CA979eed77CF97796dA5DfB

Account Module

Account Module is composed with account template contract(Account.sol) and account proxy contract(AccountProxy.sol). Account template contract is the specific implementation of MYKEY account, while account proxy contract delegates all invocations to account template contract, executing specific operations. This proxy mechanism can save gas costs of creating a huge amount of accounts.


Description: account template contract with specific implementation of MYKEY account
function init(): initialization after account creation, initializing account in Account Storage Module and Logic Module
function invoke(): invoke arbitrary external contracts
function enableStaticCall(): register methods defined in Logic Module
function changeManager(): change account's Logic Management Module
function (): fallback function, delegating invocation to Logic Module


Description: account proxy contract
function (): fallback function, delegating invocation to account template contract


Description: account creation contract
function createAccount(): create accounts(proxy contract) and initialize accounts
function setAddresses(): set addresses for account creation

Account Storage Module

Account Storage Module stores data of every MYKEY account, including a set of public keys, emergency contacts, delayed actions and multi-sig proposals. Only invocations sent from Logic Module are allowed to call get/set functions in Account Storage Module.


function initAccount(): initialization of account storage
function getKeyData(): get key data
function setKeyData(): set key data
function getBackupAddress(): get address of emergency contact
function getBackupEffectiveDate(): get effective time of emergency contact
function getBackupExpiryDate(): get expiry time of emergency contact
function setBackup(): set data of emergency contact
function clearBackupData(): remove an emergency contact
function getDelayDataHash(): get hash of delayed item
function getDelayDueTime(): get due time of delayed item
function setDelayData(): set delayed item
function clearDelayData(): remove a delayed item
function getProposalDataHash(): get hash of proposal data
function getProposalDataApproval(): get approvals of proposal
function setProposalData(): set a proposal
function clearProposalData(): remove a proposal

Logic Management Module

Logic contracts authorized by Logic Management Module can be added or removed with delay, and the pending time can also be altered with delay.
Any update of logic contracts should follow strict procedures.
Below is a diagram showing the procedure of logic update:

MYKEY logic update diagram


Description: management of all logic contracts
function submitUpdatePendingTime(): alter pending time (with delay)
function triggerUpdatePendingTime(): trigger updating pending time
function submitUpdate(): update logic contract (with delay)
function cancelUpdate(): cancel an update of logic contract
function triggerUpdate(): trigger updating logic contract
function isAuthorized(): check if a contract is an authorized logic contract
function getAuthorizedLogics(): get all authorized logic contracts

Logic Module

Logic Module contains logic contracts, which implements specific operations like replacing keys, freezing account, transferring asset and calling external contract etc. In every logic contract, there is an entry method(function enter()) which validates signature. So the entry method must be called first before executing any operation.
Currently, there are 4 logic contracts in Logic Module: AccountLogic, DualsigsLogic, TransferLogic and DappLogic.


Description: implement logic of account management
function changeAdminKey(): change admin key (with delay)
function triggerChangeAdminKey(): trigger changing admin key
function changeAdminKeyByBackup(): change admin key (proposed by emergency contact, with delay)
function triggerChangeAdminkeyByBackup(): trigger changing admin key proposed by emergency contact
function addOperationKey(): add an operation key
function changeAllOperationKeys(): change all operation keys (with delay)
function triggerChangeAllOperationKeys(): trigger changing all operation keys
function freeze(): freeze account
function unfreeze(): unfreeze account (with delay)
function triggerUnfreeze(): trigger unfreezing account
function removeBackup(): remove an emergency contact (with delay)
function cancelDelay(): cancel delayed operation
function cancelAddBackup(): cancel adding emergency contact
function cancelRemoveBackup(): cancel removing emergency contact
function proposeAsBackup(): propose a proposal as an emergency contact
function approveProposal(): approve a proposal
function executeProposal(): execute a proposal


Description: implement logic of dual signatures
function changeAdminKeyWithoutDelay(): change admin key immediately
function changeAllOperationKeysWithoutDelay(): change all operation keys immediately
function unfreezeWithoutDelay(): unfreeze account immediately
function addBackup(): add an emergency contact
function proposeByBoth(): user proposes a proposal together with an emergency contact
function executeProposal(): execute a proposal


Description: implement logic of transferring asset
function transferEth(): transfer ETH
function transferErc20(): transfer ERC20 token
function transferApprovedErc20(): transfer approved ERC20 token
function transferNft(): transfer Non-fungible token
function transferApprovedNft(): transfer approved Non-fungible token


Description: implement logic of interacting with external contracts
function callContract(): call external contract
function callMultiContract(): call multiple external contracts atomically


yarn install


truffle build


  1. shorten delay time in AccountBaseLogic.sol to 2 seconds before running test files

    uint256 constant internal DELAY_CHANGE_ADMIN_KEY = 2 seconds;//21 days
    uint256 constant internal DELAY_CHANGE_OPERATION_KEY = 2 seconds;//7 days
    uint256 constant internal DELAY_UNFREEZE_KEY = 2 seconds;//7 days
    uint256 constant internal DELAY_CHANGE_BACKUP = 2 seconds;//21 days
    uint256 constant internal DELAY_CHANGE_ADMIN_KEY_BY_BACKUP = 2 seconds;//30 days
  2. truffle test