The ML4W Dotfiles for Hyprland - An advanced and full-featured configuration for the dynamic tiling window manager Hyprland including an easy to use installation script for Arch based Linux distributions.
Hi Stephan,
Since dotfiles are exclusively Hyprland now maybe you could consider using grimblast?
Grimblast is a Hyprland version of grimshot which wrapper for grim but easily configurable.
example of keybindings
bind = , Print, exec, sleep 1 && grimblast --notify save area ~/Pictures/Screenshots/(date+′(date +'%sscreenshot.png') & bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, sleep 1 && grimblast --notify save screen ~/Pictures/Screenshots/(date+′(date +'%sscreenshot.png') &
Hi Stephan, Since dotfiles are exclusively Hyprland now maybe you could consider using grimblast? Grimblast is a Hyprland version of grimshot which wrapper for grim but easily configurable. example of keybindings bind = , Print, exec, sleep 1 && grimblast --notify save area ~/Pictures/Screenshots/(date+′(date +'%sscreenshot.png') & bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, sleep 1 && grimblast --notify save screen ~/Pictures/Screenshots/(date+′(date +'%sscreenshot.png') &