myllynen / openshift-automation-tools

Basic OpenShift 3 automation tools
Apache License 2.0
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OpenShift Automation Tools

License: Apache v2

Tools to automate OpenShift installation and maintenance. These scripts and playbooks enable fully automated connected or disconnected OpenShift installation and updates for those parts not automated by the standard OpenShift playbooks. Can be used to quickly setup a PoC environment or to experiment with OpenShift installation parameters. Local registry use will avoid fetching gigabytes of data from external network. Automation for platform level tasks like OS upgrades.

Technical Overview

Official OpenShift documentation describes how to manually prepare nodes for installation, how to configure local registry for disconnected installations, and how to upgrade OpenShift cluster nodes' OS packages. However, currently (as of OCP 3.6 / 2017-09) no automated tools for these tasks are provided. Automation for additional tasks like complete uninstallation, setting up cluster wide Cockpit or configuring passwordless cross-node SSH access are also provided.

The following sections will describe the playbooks and scripts in detail. The provided Ansible inventory files provide a quick starting point for OpenShift installation with most commonly used parameters included. The playbooks and scripts have been tested both with RHEL and RHEL Atomic.

This repository contains branches for each tested OCP release, the first being OpenShift Container Platform 3.4. Before running any of the scripts or playbooks it is required to investigate their contents and adjust them for the local environment as needed. Playbooks are provided in standalone form to make it easier to copy and run them anywhere.

For introduction to OpenShift and official documentation, see

For related supported and more feature-rich alternatives suitable for production environments, please consider Red Hat Satellite and Red Hat CloudForms.


Detailed Description

There are also several helper scripts under bin/ for installing OCP on KVM/libvirt. These scripts will require some customization prior using and thus are not ready to be used out of the box but they may be helpful in some cases. In a properly prepared environment, the openshift-install or openshift-install-atomic allow for a one-step installation of the entire OpenShift platform starting from RHEL/Atomic installation on VMs and then installing and finalizing OpenShift cluster. Scripts utilize VM snapshots for faster reinstall cycles. For more serious tools see the earlier mentioned supported products.


Apache v2