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[scorecards] update filtering to enable spliting metro and non metro districts #611

Closed struan closed 5 days ago

struan commented 1 year ago

There's been a request from a council officer that this would be a helpful distinction to be able to make.

zarino commented 2 weeks ago

The front-end work for this should fall out of, once that’s implemented a more obvious filtering interface.

This ticket, then, only covers the remaining back-end work, to add metro/non-metro filtering to the Django form (and Council model?).

zarino commented 1 week ago

Just added a Django filter that allows splitting the "District" scoring group into councils with an authority_type of either MD or NMD, only to spend an hour trying to diagnose why it wouldn’t work.

Turns out, the "District" scoring group is only NMD councils. MD councils are one of the council types in the "Single Tier" scoring group 🐵

Will look at the code to see how (if!) we’ve handled this for other filters, which apply to different scoring groups…