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Eemsdelta en Haaren #21

Closed rikstrijker closed 3 years ago

rikstrijker commented 3 years ago

In the province of Groningen three municipalities merged: Appingedam, Delfzijl and Loppersum. Since the first of January 2021 the new municipality is called Eemsdelta.

In reports/daily_report.pdf the figures: reports/daily_report_files/figure-latex/Gemeentes - Sinds vorige week-1. and reports/daily_report_files/figure-latex/Gemeentes - sinds gisteren-1. the municipalities Appingedam, Delfzijl and Loppersum are still separate municipalities. \ For reports/daily_report_files/figure-latex/Gemeentes - Sinds vorige week-1. one can argue whether it should be Eemsdelta or Appingedam, Delfzijl and Loppersum, because 2021 is over 3,5 days old, the average should give Eemsdelta :-p

I have no experience with R so can't find how to merge the data of the three municipalities into a new municipality.

According to Wikipedia there is a simulare issue in Noord-Braband with Haaren: Gemeentelijke herindelingen I think Haaren is still visible in the images?

mzelst commented 3 years ago

Hi Rik,

Thanks for the comment! We're actively tracking this issue to make this happen, but the CBS data is not in yet for the new municipality of Eemsdelta and the municipality of Haaren is even more difficult (it's divided over multiple other municipalities). The RIVM also is still reporting case data for the 'old' municipalities, implying we can't switch to the new ones until the RIVM changes this in their datasets. They are working on this issue, but it's unclear when they will make the switch. As soon as they change the municipalities, we'll make the switch as well :)


rikstrijker commented 3 years ago

Oke thanks, hope they will update the data soon, the merge shouldn't come as a surprise, the plans are older as covid...

zwakhall commented 3 years ago

RIVM is planning to switch to 2021-municipalities on January 7th. 2021.

mzelst commented 3 years ago

@zwakhall Good to know, so we can make the switch on time (tomorrow then). Thanks for the heads-up!