nMustaki / debinterface

A simple Python library for dealing with the /etc/network/interfaces file in most Debian based distributions.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Initial Update #19

Closed pyup-bot closed 3 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

This is my first visit to this fine repo so I have bundled all updates in a single pull request to make things easier for you to merge.

Close this pull request and delete the branch if you want me to start with single pull requests right away

Here's the executive summary:


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

alabaster 0.7.9 » 0.7.10 PyPI | Docs
astroid 1.4.8 » 1.4.9 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
certifi 2016.9.26 » 2017.1.23 PyPI | Homepage
check-manifest 0.34 » 0.35 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
coverage 4.2 » 4.3.4 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
decorator 4.0.10 » 4.0.11 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
docutils 0.12 » 0.13.1 PyPI | Homepage
ipdb 0.10.1 » 0.10.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
ipython 5.1.0 » 5.3.0 PyPI | Homepage
Jinja2 2.8 » 2.9.5 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
livereload 2.4.1 » 2.5.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
mccabe 0.5.2 » 0.6.1 PyPI | Repo
pathlib2 2.1.0 » 2.2.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
pockets 0.3 » 0.3.2 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
prompt-toolkit 1.0.9 » 1.0.13 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
py 1.4.31 » 1.4.32 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
Pygments 2.1.3 » 2.2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
pylint 1.6.4 » 1.6.5 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pytest 3.0.3 » 3.0.6 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
pytz 2016.7 » 2016.10 PyPI | Homepage | Docs
requests 2.11.1 » 2.13.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
requests-toolbelt 0.7.0 » 0.7.1 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
Sphinx 1.4.8 » 1.5.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
Sphinx 1.4.8 » 1.5.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.9 » 0.2.0 PyPI | Repo
sphinxcontrib-napoleon 0.5.3 » 0.6.1 PyPI | Docs
sphinxcontrib-napoleon 0.5.3 » 0.6.1 PyPI | Docs
traitlets 4.3.1 » 4.3.2 PyPI | Homepage


check-manifest 0.34 -> 0.35


  • Python 3.6 support.

coverage 4.2 -> 4.3.4


  • Fixing 2.6 in version 4.3.3 broke other things, because the too-tricky exception wasn't properly derived from Exception, described in issue 556_. A newb mistake; it hasn't been a good few days.

.. _issue 556: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/556/43-fails-if-there-are-html-files-in-the

.. _changes_433:


  • Python 2.6 support was broken due to a testing exception imported for the benefit of the coverage.py test suite. Properly conditionalizing it fixed issue 554_ so that Python 2.6 works again.

.. _issue 554: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/554/traceback-on-python-26-starting-with-432

.. _changes_432:


  • Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would cause a "No data to report" error, as reported in issue 549_. This is now fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.

  • If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0: or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode. This problem, reported in issue 522_, is now fixed.

  • If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that detection wasn't performed. Now it is, closing issue 426_. Thanks to Loïc Dachary for the fix.

  • If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your process, you could crash Python with a "Fatal Python error: deallocating None" error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.

  • On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: "Trace function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None". This was spurious, and has been suppressed.

  • Previously, coverage.py couldn't start on Jython, due to that implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works properly.

  • Let's say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py 4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left behind. This file is now properly deleted.

.. _issue 322: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/322/cannot-use-coverage-with-jython .. _issue 426: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/426/difference-between-coverage-results-with .. _issue 522: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/522/incorrect-branch-reporting-with-__debug__ .. _issue 549: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/549/skip-covered-with-100-coverage-throws-a-no .. _issue 551: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/551/coveragepy-cannot-be-imported-in-jython27

.. _changes_431:


  • Some environments couldn't install 4.3, as described in issue 540_. This is now fixed.

  • The check for conflicting --source and --include was too simple in a few different ways, breaking a few perfectly reasonable use cases, described in issue 541. The check has been reverted while we re-think the fix for issue 265.

.. _issue 540: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/540/cant-install-coverage-v43-into-under .. _issue 541: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/541/coverage-43-breaks-nosetest-with-coverage

.. _changes_43:


Special thanks to Loïc Dachary, who took an extraordinary interest in coverage.py and contributed a number of improvements in this release.

  • Subprocesses that are measured with automatic subprocess measurement used to read in any pre-existing data file. This meant data would be incorrectly carried forward from run to run. Now those files are not read, so each subprocess only writes its own data. Fixes issue 510.

  • The coverage combine command will now fail if there are no data files to combine. The combine changes in 4.2 meant that multiple combines could lose data, leaving you with an empty .coverage data file. Fixes issue 525, issue 412, issue 516, and probably issue 511.

  • Coverage.py wouldn't execute sys.excepthook when an exception happened in your program. Now it does, thanks to Andrew Hoos. Closes issue 535.

  • Branch coverage fixes:

    • Branch coverage could misunderstand a finally clause on a try block that never continued on to the following statement, as described in issue 493_. This is now fixed. Thanks to Joe Doherty for the report and Loïc Dachary for the fix.

    • A while loop with a constant condition (while True) and a continue statement would be mis-analyzed, as described in issue 496_. This is now fixed, thanks to a bug report by Eli Skeggs and a fix by Loïc Dachary.

    • While loops with constant conditions that were never executed could result in a non-zero coverage report. Artem Dayneko reported this in issue 502_, and Loïc Dachary provided the fix.

  • The HTML report now supports a --skip-covered option like the other reporting commands. Thanks, Loïc Dachary for the implementation, closing issue 433_.

  • Options can now be read from a tox.ini file, if any. Like setup.cfg, sections are prefixed with "coverage:", so [run] options will be read from the [coverage:run] section of tox.ini. Implements part of issue 519_. Thanks, Stephen Finucane.

  • Specifying both --source and --include no longer silently ignores the include setting, instead it fails with a message. Thanks, Nathan Land and Loïc Dachary. Closes issue 265_.

  • The Coverage.combine method has a new parameter, strict=False, to support failing if there are no data files to combine.

  • When forking subprocesses, the coverage data files would have the same random number appended to the file name. This didn't cause problems, because the file names had the process id also, making collisions (nearly) impossible. But it was disconcerting. This is now fixed.

  • The text report now properly sizes headers when skipping some files, fixing issue 524_. Thanks, Anthony Sottile and Loïc Dachary.

  • Coverage.py can now search .pex files for source, just as it can .zip and .egg. Thanks, Peter Ebden.

  • Data files are now about 15% smaller.

  • Improvements in the [run] debug setting:

    • The "dataio" debug setting now also logs when data files are deleted during combining or erasing.

    • A new debug option, "multiproc", for logging the behavior of concurrency=multiprocessing.

    • If you used the debug options "config" and "callers" together, you'd get a call stack printed for every line in the multi-line config output. This is now fixed.

  • Fixed an unusual bug involving multiple coding declarations affecting code containing code in multi-line strings: issue 529_.

  • Coverage.py will no longer be misled into thinking that a plain file is a package when interpreting --source options. Thanks, Cosimo Lupo.

  • If you try to run a non-Python file with coverage.py, you will now get a more useful error message. Issue 514_.

  • The default pragma regex changed slightly, but this will only matter to you if you are deranged and use mixed-case pragmas.

  • Deal properly with non-ASCII file names in an ASCII-only world, issue 533_.

  • Programs that set Unicode configuration values could cause UnicodeErrors when generating HTML reports. Pytest-cov is one example. This is now fixed.

  • Prevented deprecation warnings from configparser that happened in some circumstances, closing issue 530_.

  • Corrected the name of the jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.js library. Thanks, Ben Finney. Closes issue 505_.

  • Testing against PyPy 5.6 and PyPy3 5.5.

  • Switched to pytest from nose for running the coverage.py tests.

  • Renamed AUTHORS.txt to CONTRIBUTORS.txt, since there are other ways to contribute than by writing code. Also put the count of contributors into the author string in setup.py, though this might be too cute.

.. _sys.excepthook: https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.htmlsys.excepthook .. _issue 265: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/265/when-using-source-include-is-silently .. _issue 412: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/412/coverage-combine-should-error-if-no .. _issue 433: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/433/coverage-html-does-not-suport-skip-covered .. _issue 493: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/493/confusing-branching-failure .. _issue 496: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/496/incorrect-coverage-with-branching-and .. _issue 502: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/502/incorrect-coverage-report-with-cover .. _issue 505: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/505/use-canonical-filename-for-debounce .. _issue 514: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/514/path-to-problem-file-not-reported-when .. _issue 510: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/510/erase-still-needed-in-42 .. _issue 511: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/511/version-42-coverage-combine-empties .. _issue 516: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/516/running-coverage-combine-twice-deletes-all .. _issue 519: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/519/coverage-run-sections-in-toxini-or-as .. _issue 524: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/524/coverage-report-with-skip-covered-column .. _issue 525: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/525/coverage-combine-when-not-in-parallel-mode .. _issue 529: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/529/encoding-marker-may-only-appear-on-the .. _issue 530: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/530/deprecationwarning-you-passed-a-bytestring .. _issue 533: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/533/exception-on-unencodable-file-name .. _issue 535: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/535/sysexcepthook-is-not-called

.. _changes_42:

decorator 4.0.10 -> 4.0.11


ipdb 0.10.1 -> 0.10.2


Jinja2 2.8 -> 2.9.5


(bugfix release, released on January 28th 2017)

  • Restored the original repr of the internal _GroupTuple because this caused issues with ansible and it was an unintended change. (654)
  • Added back support for custom contexts that override the old resolve method since it was hard for people to spot that this could cause a regression.
  • Correctly use the buffer for the else block of for loops. This caused invalid syntax errors to be caused on 2.x and completely wrong behavior on Python 3 (669)
  • Resolve an issue where the {% extends %} tag could not be used with async environments. (668)
  • Reduce memory footprint slightly by reducing our unicode database dump we use for identifier matching on Python 3 (666)
  • Fixed autoescaping not working for macros in async compilation mode. (671)


(bugfix release, released on January 10th 2017)

  • Solved some warnings for string literals. (646)
  • Increment the bytecode cache version which was not done due to an oversight before.
  • Corrected bad code generation and scoping for filtered loops. (649)
  • Resolved an issue where top-level output silencing after known extend blocks could generate invalid code when blocks where contained in if statements. (651)
  • Made the truncate.leeway default configurable to improve compatibility with older templates.


(bugfix release, released on January 8th 2017)

  • Restored the use of blocks in macros to the extend that was possible before. On Python 3 it would render a generator repr instead of the block contents. (645)
  • Set a consistent behavior for assigning of variables in inner scopes when the variable is also read from an outer scope. This now sets the intended behavior in all situations however it does not restore the old behavior where limited assignments to outer scopes was possible. For more information and a discussion see 641
  • Resolved an issue where block scoped would not take advantage of the new scoping rules. In some more exotic cases a variable overriden in a local scope would not make it into a block.
  • Change the code generation of the with statement to be in line with the new scoping rules. This resolves some unlikely bugs in edge cases. This also introduces a new internal With node that can be used by extensions.


(bugfix release, released on January 8th 2017)

  • Fixed a regression that caused for loops to not be able to use the same variable for the target as well as source iterator. (640)
  • Add support for a previously unknown behavior of macros. It used to be possible in some circumstances to explicitly provide a caller argument to macros. While badly buggy and unintended it turns out that this is a common case that gets copy pasted around. To not completely break backwards compatibility with the most common cases it's now possible to provide an explicit keyword argument for caller if it's given an explicit default. (642)


(bugfix release, released on January 7th 2017)

  • Resolved a regression with call block scoping for macros. Nested caller blocks that used the same identifiers as outer macros could refer to the wrong variable incorrectly.


(codename Derivation, released on January 7th 2017)

  • Change cache key definition in environment. This fixes a performance regression introduced in 2.8.
  • Added support for generator_stop on supported Python versions (Python 3.5 and later)
  • Corrected a long standing issue with operator precedence of math operations not being what was expected.
  • Added support for Python 3.6 async iterators through a new async mode.
  • Added policies for filter defaults and similar things.
  • urlize now sets "rel noopener" by default.
  • Support attribute fallback for old-style classes in 2.x.
  • Support toplevel set statements in extend situations.
  • Restored behavior of Cycler for Python 3 users.
  • Subtraction now follows the same behavior as other operators on undefined values.
  • map and friends will now give better error messages if you forgot to quote the parameter.
  • Depend on MarkupSafe 0.23 or higher.
  • Improved the truncate filter to support better truncation in case the string is barely truncated at all.
  • Change the logic for macro autoescaping to be based on the runtime autoescaping information at call time instead of macro define time.
  • Ported a modified version of the tojson filter from Flask to Jinja2 and hooked it up with the new policy framework.
  • Block sets are now marked safe by default.
  • On Python 2 the asciification of ASCII strings can now be disabled with the compiler.ascii_str policy.
  • Tests now no longer accept an arbitrary expression as first argument but a restricted one. This means that you can now properly use multiple tests in one expression without extra parentheses. In particular you can now write foo is divisibleby 2 or foo is divisibleby 3 as you would expect.
  • Greatly changed the scoping system to be more consistent with what template designers and developers expect. There is now no more magic difference between the different include and import constructs. Context is now always propagated the same way. The only remaining differences is the defaults for with context and without context.
  • The with and autoescape tags are now built-in.
  • Added the new select_autoescape function which helps configuring better autoescaping easier.


(bugfix release, unreleased)

  • Fixed a runtime error in the sandbox when attributes of async generators were accessed.


(bugfix release, released on December 29th 2016)

  • Fixed the for_qs flag for urlencode.
  • Fixed regression when applying int to non-string values.
  • SECURITY: if the sandbox mode is used format expressions are now sandboxed with the same rules as in Jinja. This solves various information leakage problems that can occur with format strings.

livereload 2.4.1 -> 2.5.1


Release on Jan 7, 2017

Happy New Year.

  1. Fix Content-Type detection
  2. Ensure current version of pyinotify is installed before using


Released on Nov 16, 2016

  1. wait parameter can be float via Todd Wolfson
  2. Option to disable liveCSS via Yunchi Luo
  3. Django management command via Marc-Stefan Cassola

pathlib2 2.1.0 -> 2.2.1



  • Fix conditional scandir dependency in wheel (reported by AvdN, see issue 20 and pull request 21).



  • Sync with upstream pathlib from CPython 3.5.2 and 3.6.0: fix various exceptions, empty glob pattern, scandir, fspath.

  • Support unicode strings to be used to construct paths in Python 2 (reported by native-api, see issue 13 and pull request 15).

pockets 0.3 -> 0.3.2


  • Excludes tests directory from package contents


  • Fixes Python 3.6 compatibility by only using re.LOCALE flag on Python 2

prompt-toolkit 1.0.9 -> 1.0.13



  • Only handle 'edit-and-execute-command' in Vi navigation mode. (This affects every tool that uses enable_open_in_editor=True.)



  • Fixed the NoConsoleScreenBuffer error that appeared on some 64bit Python versions.
  • Fix mixup in the mapping from ANSI color names for vt100 output.

New features:

  • Added a reverse_vi_search_direction option.
  • Handle Ctrl-Left/Right in rxvt.
  • Implemented difference between backward-kill-word and unix-word-rubout.
  • Implementation of the Emacs kill-ring (yank-pop command).
  • Take a 'file' argument in 'print_tokens'.
  • Implemented the operate-and-get-next command, bound to C-O in Emacs mode.
  • Added multiple named commands:
    • Added insert-comment command, bound to M-.
    • Added vi-editing-mode and emacs-editing-mode commands.
    • Added prefix-meta command.
    • Added edit-and-execute command.
    • Added complete/menu_complete/menu-complete-backward commands.
    • Added quoted-insert command.
  • Take $VISUAL into account.
  • Display a quoted inserted using the ^ character, just like Vi does.
  • Implemented keyboard macros. (Like Readline.)
  • Extracted the Vi create_operator_decorator and create_text_object_decorator functions. (This makes it easier to implement custom Vi bindings.)
  • Pass raw=True to the stdout_context in prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.
  • Added Buffer.validation_state. (Don't call the validator again if the input didn't change.)


  • Refactoring of the key bindings.
    • All the load functions now create a new Registry object.
    • Added MergedRegistry and ConditionalRegistry.
    • Added prompt_toolkit.key_binding.defaults for loading the default key bindings.

py 1.4.31 -> 1.4.32



  • fix issue70: added ability to copy all stat info in py.path.local.copy.

  • make TerminalWriter.fullwidth a property. This results in the correct value when the terminal gets resized.

  • update supported html tags to include recent additions. Thanks Denis Afonso for the PR.

  • Remove internal code in Source.compile meant to support earlier Python 3 versions that produced the side effect of leaving None in sys.modules when called (see pytest-dev/pytest2103). Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

Pygments 2.1.3 -> 2.2.0


(in development)

  • Added lexers:

    • AMPL
    • TypoScript (1173)
    • Varnish config (PR554)
    • Clean (PR503)
    • WDiff (PR513)
    • Flatline (PR551)
    • Silver (PR537)
    • HSAIL (PR518)
    • JSGF (PR546)
    • NCAR command language (PR536)
    • Extempore (PR530)
    • Cap'n Proto (PR595)
    • Whiley (PR573)
    • Monte (PR592)
    • Crystal (PR576)
    • Snowball (PR589)
    • CapDL (PR579)
    • NuSMV (PR564)
    • SAS, Stata (PR593)
  • Added the ability to load lexer and formatter classes directly from files with the -x command line option and the lexers.load_lexer_from_file() and formatters.load_formatter_from_file() functions. (PR559)

  • Added lexers.find_lexer_class_by_name(). (1203)

  • Added new token types and lexing for magic methods and variables in Python and PHP.

  • Added a new token type for string affixes and lexing for them in Python, C++ and Postgresql lexers.

  • Added a new token type for heredoc (and similar) string delimiters and lexing for them in C++, Perl, PHP, Postgresql and Ruby lexers.

  • Styles can now define colors with ANSI colors for use in the 256-color terminal formatter. (PR531)

  • Improved the CSS lexer. (1083, 1130)

  • Added "Rainbow Dash" style. (PR623)

  • Delay loading pkg_resources, which takes a long while to import. (PR690)

pytest 3.0.3 -> 3.0.6



  • pytest no longer generates PendingDeprecationWarning from its own operations, which was introduced by mistake in version 3.0.5 (2118). Thanks to nicoddemus for the report and RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.

  • pytest no longer recognizes coroutine functions as yield tests (2129). Thanks to malinoff for the PR.

  • Plugins loaded by the PYTEST_PLUGINS environment variable are now automatically considered for assertion rewriting (2185). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Improve error message when pytest.warns fails (2150). The type(s) of the expected warnings and the list of caught warnings is added to the error message. Thanks lesteve for the PR.

  • Fix pytester internal plugin to work correctly with latest versions of zope.interface (1989). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Assert statements of the pytester plugin again benefit from assertion rewriting (1920). Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Specifying tests with colons like test_foo.py::test_bar for tests in subdirectories with ini configuration files now uses the correct ini file (2148). Thanks pelme.

  • Fail testdir.runpytest().assert_outcomes() explicitly if the pytest terminal output it relies on is missing. Thanks to eli-b_ for the PR.

.. _lesteve: https://github.com/lesteve .. _malinoff: https://github.com/malinoff .. _pelme: https://github.com/pelme .. _eli-b: https://github.com/eli-b

.. _2118: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2118

.. _1989: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1989 .. _1920: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1920 .. _2129: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2129 .. _2148: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2148 .. _2150: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2150 .. _2185: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2185



  • Add warning when not passing option=value correctly to -o/--override-ini (2105). Also improved the help documentation. Thanks to mbukatov for the report and lwm_ for the PR.

  • Now --confcutdir and --junit-xml are properly validated if they are directories and filenames, respectively (2089 and 2078). Thanks to lwm_ for the PR.

  • Add hint to error message hinting possible missing __init__.py (478). Thanks DuncanBetts.

  • More accurately describe when fixture finalization occurs in documentation (687). Thanks DuncanBetts.

  • Provide :ref: targets for recwarn.rst so we can use intersphinx referencing. Thanks to dupuy for the report and lwm for the PR.

  • In Python 2, use a simple +- ASCII string in the string representation of pytest.approx (for example "4 +- 4.0e-06") because it is brittle to handle that in different contexts and representations internally in pytest which can result in bugs such as 2111. In Python 3, the representation still uses ± (for example 4 ± 4.0e-06). Thanks kerrick-lyft for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Using item.Function, item.Module, etc., is now issuing deprecation warnings, prefer pytest.Function, pytest.Module, etc., instead (2034). Thanks nmundar for the PR.

  • Fix error message using approx with complex numbers (2082). Thanks adler-j for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Fixed false-positives warnings from assertion rewrite hook for modules imported more than once by the pytest_plugins mechanism. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Remove an internal cache which could cause hooks from conftest.py files in sub-directories to be called in other directories incorrectly (2016). Thanks d-b-w for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Remove internal code meant to support earlier Python 3 versions that produced the side effect of leaving None in sys.modules when expressions were evaluated by pytest (for example passing a condition as a string to pytest.mark.skipif)(2103). Thanks jaraco for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Cope gracefully with a .pyc file with no matching .py file (2038). Thanks nedbat.

.. _adler-j: https://github.com/adler-j .. _d-b-w: https://bitbucket.org/d-b-w/ .. _DuncanBetts: https://github.com/DuncanBetts .. _dupuy: https://bitbucket.org/dupuy/ .. _kerrick-lyft: https://github.com/kerrick-lyft .. _lwm: https://github.com/lwm .. _mbukatov: https://github.com/mbukatov .. _nedbat: https://github.com/nedbat .. _nmundar: https://github.com/nmundar

.. _2016: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2016 .. _2034: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2034 .. _2038: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2038 .. _2078: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2078 .. _2082: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2082 .. _2089: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2089 .. _2103: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2103 .. _2105: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2105 .. _2111: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2111 .. _478: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/478 .. _687: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/687



  • Import errors when collecting test modules now display the full traceback (1976). Thanks cwitty for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Fix confusing command-line help message for custom options with two or more metavar properties (2004). Thanks okulynyak and davehunt for the report and nicoddemus for the PR.

  • When loading plugins, import errors which contain non-ascii messages are now properly handled in Python 2 (1998). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Fixed cyclic reference when pytest.raises is used in context-manager form (1965_). Also as a result of this fix, sys.exc_info() is left empty in both context-manager and function call usages. Previously, sys.exc_info would contain the exception caught by the context manager, even when the expected exception occurred. Thanks MSeifert04_ for the report and the PR.

  • Fixed false-positives warnings from assertion rewrite hook for modules that were rewritten but were later marked explicitly by pytest.register_assert_rewrite or implicitly as a plugin (2005). Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Report teardown output on test failure (442). Thanks matclab for the PR.

  • Fix teardown error message in generated xUnit XML. Thanks gdyuldin_ for the PR.

  • Properly handle exceptions in multiprocessing tasks (1984). Thanks adborden for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Clean up unittest TestCase objects after tests are complete (1649_). Thanks d_b_w_ for the report and PR.

.. _adborden: https://github.com/adborden .. _cwitty: https://github.com/cwitty .. _d_b_w: https://github.com/d_b_w .. _gdyuldin: https://github.com/gdyuldin .. _matclab: https://github.com/matclab .. _MSeifert04: https://github.com/MSeifert04 .. _okulynyak: https://github.com/okulynyak

.. _442: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/442 .. _1965: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1965 .. _1976: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1976 .. _1984: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1984 .. _1998: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1998 .. _2004: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2004 .. _2005: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2005 .. _1649: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1649

requests 2.11.1 -> 2.13.0




  • Only load the idna library when we've determined we need it. This will save some memory for users.


  • Updated bundled urllib3 to 1.20.
  • Updated bundled idna to 2.2.




  • Fixed an issue with JSON encoding detection, specifically detecting big-endian UTF-32 with BOM.




  • Fixed regression from 2.12.2 where non-string types were rejected in the basic auth parameters. While support for this behaviour has been readded, the behaviour is deprecated and will be removed in the future.




  • Fixed regression from v2.12.1 for URLs with schemes that begin with "http". These URLs have historically been processed as though they were HTTP-schemed URLs, and so have had parameters added. This was removed in v2.12.2 in an overzealous attempt to resolve problems with IDNA-encoding those URLs. This change was reverted: the other fixes for IDNA-encoding have been judged to be sufficient to return to the behaviour Requests had before v2.12.0.




  • Fixed several issues with IDNA-encoding URLs that are technically invalid but which are widely accepted. Requests will now attempt to IDNA-encode a URL if it can but, if it fails, and the host contains only ASCII characters, it will be passed through optimistically. This will allow users to opt-in to using IDNA2003 themselves if they want to, and will also allow technically invalid but still common hostnames.
  • Fixed an issue where URLs with leading whitespace would raise InvalidSchema errors.
  • Fixed an issue where some URLs without the HTTP or HTTPS schemes would still have HTTP URL preparation applied to them.
  • Fixed an issue where Unicode strings could not be used in basic auth.
  • Fixed an issue encountered by some Requests plugins where constructing a Response object would cause Response.content to raise an AttributeError.




  • Updated setuptools 'security' extra for the new PyOpenSSL backend in urllib3.


  • Updated bundled urllib3 to 1.19.1.




  • Updated support for internationalized domain names from IDNA2003 to IDNA2008. This updated support is required for several forms of IDNs and is mandatory for .de domains.
  • Much improved heuristics for guessing content lengths: Requests will no longer read an entire StringIO into memory.
  • Much improved logic for recalculating Content-Length headers for PreparedRequest objects.
  • Improved tolerance for file-like objects that have no tell method but do have a seek method.
  • Anything that is a subclass of Mapping is now treated like a dictionary by the data= keyword argument.
  • Requests now tolerates empty passwords in proxy credentials, rather than stripping the credentials.
  • If a request is made with a file-like object as the body and that request is redirected with a 307 or 308 status code, Requests will now attempt to rewind the body object so it can be replayed.


  • When calling response.close, the call to close will be propagated through to non-urllib3 backends.
  • Fixed issue where the ALL_PROXY environment variable would be preferred over scheme-specific variables like HTTP_PROXY.
  • Fixed issue where non-UTF8 reason phrases got severely mangled by falling back to decoding using ISO 8859-1 instead.
  • Fixed a bug where Requests would not correctly correlate cookies set when using custom Host headers if those Host headers did not use the native string type for the platform.


  • Updated bundled urllib3 to 1.19.
  • Updated bundled certifi certs to 2016.09.26.

requests-toolbelt 0.7.0 -> 0.7.1


More information about this release can be found on the 0.7.1 milestone_.

Fixed Bugs

- Fixed monkey-patching for the AppEngineAdapter.

- Make it easier to disable certificate verification when monkey-patching

- Handle ``multipart/form-data`` bodies without a trailing ``CRLF``.

.. links
.. _0.7.1 milestone:

Sphinx 1.4.8 -> 1.5.3



Features added

  • Support requests-2.0.0 (experimental) (refs: 3367)
  • (latex) PDF page margin dimensions may be customized (refs: 3387)
  • literalinclude directive allows combination of :pyobject: and :lines: options (refs: 3416)
  • 3400: make-mode doesn't use subprocess on building docs

Bugs fixed

  • 3370: the caption of code-block is not picked up for translation
  • LaTeX: :confval:release is not escaped (refs: 3362)
  • 3364: sphinx-quickstart prompts overflow on Console with 80 chars width
  • since 1.5, PDF's TOC and bookmarks lack an entry for general Index (refs: 3383)
  • 3392: 'releasename' in :confval:latex_elements is not working
  • 3356: Page layout for Japanese 'manual' docclass has a shorter text area
  • 3394: When 'pointsize' is not 10pt, Japanese 'manual' document gets wrong PDF page dimensions
  • 3399: quickstart: conf.py was not overwritten by template
  • 3366: option directive does not allow punctuations
  • 3410: return code in :confval:release breaks html search
  • 3427: autodoc: memory addresses are not stripped on Windows
  • 3428: xetex build tests fail due to fontspec v2.6 defining \strong
  • 3349: Result of IndexBuilder.load() is broken
  • 3450: &nbsp is appeared in EPUB docs
  • 3418: Search button is misaligned in nature and pyramid theme
  • 3421: Could not translate a caption of tables



Incompatible changes

  • Dependency requirement updates: requests 2.4.0 or above (refs: 3268, 3310)

Features added

  • 3241: emit latex warning if buggy titlesec (ref 3210)
  • 3194: Refer the $MAKE environment variable to determine make command
  • Emit warning for nested numbered toctrees (refs: 3142)
  • 978: intersphinx_mapping also allows a list as a parameter
  • 3340: (LaTeX) long lines in :dudir:parsed-literal are wrapped like in :rst:dir:code-block, inline math and footnotes are fully functional.

Bugs fixed

  • 3246: xapian search adapter crashes
  • 3253: In Py2 environment, building another locale with a non-captioned toctree produces None captions
  • 185: References to section title including raw node has broken
  • 3255: In Py3.4 environment, autodoc doesn't support documentation for attributes of Enum class correctly.
  • 3261: latex_use_parts makes sphinx crash
  • The warning type misc.highlighting_failure does not work
  • 3294: add_latex_package() make crashes non-LaTeX builders
  • The caption of table are rendered as invalid HTML (refs: 3287)
  • 3268: Sphinx crashes with requests package from Debian jessie
  • 3284: Sphinx crashes on parallel build with an extension which raises unserializable exception
  • 3315: Bibliography crashes on latex build with docclass 'memoir'
  • 3328: Could not refer rubric implicitly
  • 3329: emit warnings if po file is invalid and can't read it. Also writing mo too
  • 3337: Ugly rendering of definition list term's classifier
  • 3335: gettext does not extract field_name of a field in a field_list
  • 2952: C++, fix refs to operator() functions.
  • Fix Unicode super- and subscript digits in :rst:dir:code-block and parsed-literal LaTeX output (ref 3342)
  • LaTeX writer: leave " character inside parsed-literal as is (ref 3341)
  • 3234: intersphinx failed for encoded inventories
  • 3158: too much space after captions in PDF output
  • 3317: An URL in parsed-literal contents gets wrongly rendered in PDF if with hyphen
  • LaTeX crash if the filename of an image inserted in parsed-literal via a substitution contains an hyphen (ref 3340)
  • LaTeX rendering of inserted footnotes in parsed-literal is wrong (ref 3340)
  • Inline math in parsed-literal is not rendered well by LaTeX (ref 3340)
  • 3308: Parsed-literals don't wrap very long lines with pdf builder (ref 3340)
  • 3295: Could not import extension sphinx.builders.linkcheck
  • 3285: autosummary: asterisks are escaped twice
  • LaTeX, pass dvipdfm option to geometry package for Japanese documents (ref 3363)
  • Fix parselinenos() could not parse left half open range (cf. "-4")



Features added

  • 3214: Allow to suppress "unknown mimetype" warnings from epub builder using :confval:suppress_warnings.

Bugs fixed

  • 3195: Can not build in parallel
  • 3198: AttributeError is raised when toctree has 'self'
  • 3211: Remove untranslated sphinx locale catalogs (it was covered by untranslated it_IT)
  • 3212: HTML Builders crashes with docutils-0.13
  • 3207: more latex problems with references inside parsed-literal directive (\DUrole)
  • 3205: sphinx.util.requests crashes with old pyOpenSSL (< 0.14)
  • 3220: KeyError when having a duplicate citation
  • 3200: LaTeX: xref inside desc_name not allowed
  • 3228: build_sphinx command crashes when missing dependency
  • 2469: Ignore updates of catalog files for gettext builder. Thanks to Hiroshi Ohkubo.
  • 3183: Randomized jump box order in generated index page.


  • 3069: Even if &#39;babel&#39; key is set to empty string, LaTeX output contains one \addto\captions...
  • 3123: user &#39;babel&#39; key setting is not obeyed anymore
  • 3155: Fix JavaScript for html_sourcelink_suffix fails with IE and Opera
  • 3085: keep current directory after breaking build documentation. Thanks to Timotheus Kampik.
  • 3181: pLaTeX crashes with a section contains endash
  • 3180: latex: add stretch/shrink between successive singleline or multipleline cpp signatures (ref 3072)
  • 3128: globing images does not support .svgz file
  • 3015: fix a broken test on Windows.
  • 1843: Fix documentation of descriptor classes that have a custom metaclass. Thanks to Erik Bray.
  • 3190: util.split_docinfo fails to parse multi-line field bodies
  • 3024, 3037: In Python3, application.Sphinx._log crushed when the log message cannot be encoded into console encoding.


  • To simplify, sphinx uses external mock package even if unittest.mock exists.


  • 2432: Fix unwanted * between varargs and keyword only args. Thanks to Alex Grönholm.
  • 3062: Failed to build PDF using 1.5a2 (undefined \hypersetup for Japanese documents since PR3030)
  • Better rendering of multiline signatures in html.
  • 777: LaTeX output "too deeply nested" (ref 3096)
  • Let LaTeX image inclusion obey scale before textwidth fit (ref 2865, 3059)
  • 3019: LaTeX fails on description of C function with arguments (ref 3083)
  • fix latex inline literals where &lt; &gt; - gobbled a space


  • 2810: Problems with pdflatex in an Italian document
  • Use latex_elements.papersize to specify papersize of LaTeX in Makefile
  • 2988: linkcheck: retry with GET request if denied HEAD request
  • 2990: linkcheck raises "Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly" error if linkcheck_anchors enabled
  • 3004: Invalid link types "top" and "up" are used
  • 3009: Bad rendering of parsed-literals in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.4.4
  • 3000: option directive generates invalid HTML anchors
  • 2984: Invalid HTML has been generated if html_split_index enabled
  • 2986: themes/basic/defindex.html should be changed for html5 friendly
  • 2987: Invalid HTML has been generated if multiple IDs are assigned to a list
  • 2891: HTML search does not provide all the results
  • 1986: Title in PDF Output
  • 147: Problem with latex chapter style
  • 3018: LaTeX problem with page layout dimensions and chapter titles
  • Fix an issue with \pysigline in LaTeX style file (ref 3023)
  • 3038: sphinx.ext.math* raises TypeError if labels are duplicated
  • 3031: incompatibility with LaTeX package tocloft
  • 3003: literal blocks in footnotes are not supported by Latex
  • 3047: spacing before footnote in pdf output is not coherent and allows breaks
  • 3045: HTML search index creator should ignore "raw" content if now html
  • 3039: English stemmer returns wrong word if the word is capitalized
  • Fix make-mode Makefile template (ref 3056, 2936)


  • 2707: (latex) the column width is badly computed for tabular
  • 2799: Sphinx installs roles and directives automatically on importing sphinx module. Now Sphinx installs them on running application.
  • sphinx.ext.autodoc crashes if target code imports * from mock modules by autodoc_mock_imports.
  • 1953: Sphinx.add_node does not add handlers the translator installed by html_translator_class
  • 1797: text builder inserts blank line on top
  • 2894: quickstart main() doesn't use argv argument
  • 2874: gettext builder could not extract all text under the only directives
  • 2485: autosummary crashes with multiple source_suffix values
  • 1734: Could not translate the caption of toctree directive
  • Could not translate the content of meta directive (ref: 1734)
  • 2550: external links are opened in help viewer
  • 2687: Running Sphinx multiple times produces 'already registered' warnings



Bugs fixed

  • 2936: Fix doc/Makefile that can't build man because doc/man exists
  • 3058: Using the same 'caption' attribute in multiple 'toctree' directives results in warning / error
  • 3068: Allow the '=' character in the -D option of sphinx-build.py
  • 3074: add_source_parser() crashes in debug mode
  • 3135: sphinx.ext.autodoc crashes with plain Callable
  • 3150: Fix query word splitter in JavaScript. It behaves as same as Python's regular expression.
  • 3093: gettext build broken on substituted images.
  • 3093: gettext build broken on image node under note directive.
  • imgmath: crashes on showing error messages if image generation failed
  • 3117: LaTeX writer crashes if admonition is placed before first section title
  • 3164: Change search order of sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram

Sphinx 1.4.8 -> 1.5.3



Features added

  • Support requests-2.0.0 (experimental) (refs: 3367)
  • (latex) PDF page margin dimensions may be customized (refs: 3387)
  • literalinclude directive allows combination of :pyobject: and :lines: options (refs: 3416)
  • 3400: make-mode doesn't use subprocess on building docs

Bugs fixed

  • 3370: the caption of code-block is not picked up for translation
  • LaTeX: :confval:release is not escaped (refs: 3362)
  • 3364: sphinx-quickstart prompts overflow on Console with 80 chars width
  • since 1.5, PDF's TOC and bookmarks lack an entry for general Index (refs: 3383)
  • 3392: &#39;releasename&#39; in :confval:latex_elements is not working
  • 3356: Page layout for Japanese &#39;manual&#39; docclass has a shorter text area
  • 3394: When &#39;pointsize&#39; is not 10pt, Japanese &#39;manual&#39; document gets wrong PDF page dimensions
  • 3399: quickstart: conf.py was not overwritten by template
  • 3366: option directive does not allow punctuations
  • 3410: return code in :confval:release breaks html search
  • 3427: autodoc: memory addresses are not stripped on Windows
  • 3428: xetex build tests fail due to fontspec v2.6 defining \strong
  • 3349: Result of IndexBuilder.load() is broken
  • 3450: &nbsp is appeared in EPUB docs
  • 3418: Search button is misaligned in nature and pyramid theme
  • 3421: Could not translate a caption of tables



Incompatible changes

  • Dependency requirement updates: requests 2.4.0 or above (refs: 3268, 3310)

Features added

  • 3241: emit latex warning if buggy titlesec (ref 3210)
  • 3194: Refer the $MAKE environment variable to determine make command
  • Emit warning for nested numbered toctrees (refs: 3142)
  • 978: intersphinx_mapping also allows a list as a parameter
  • 3340: (LaTeX) long lines in :dudir:parsed-literal are wrapped like in :rst:dir:code-block, inline math and footnotes are fully functional.

Bugs fixed

  • 3246: xapian search adapter crashes
  • 3253: In Py2 environment, building another locale with a non-captioned toctree produces None captions
  • 185: References to section title including raw node has broken
  • 3255: In Py3.4 environment, autodoc doesn't support documentation for attributes of Enum class correctly.
  • 3261: latex_use_parts makes sphinx crash
  • The warning type misc.highlighting_failure does not work
  • 3294: add_latex_package() make crashes non-LaTeX builders
  • The caption of table are rendered as invalid HTML (refs: 3287)
  • 3268: Sphinx crashes with requests package from Debian jessie
  • 3284: Sphinx crashes on parallel build with an extension which raises unserializable exception
  • 3315: Bibliography crashes on latex build with docclass 'memoir'
  • 3328: Could not refer rubric implicitly
  • 3329: emit warnings if po file is invalid and can't read it. Also writing mo too
  • 3337: Ugly rendering of definition list term's classifier
  • 3335: gettext does not extract field_name of a field in a field_list
  • 2952: C++, fix refs to operator() functions.
  • Fix Unicode super- and subscript digits in :rst:dir:code-block and parsed-literal LaTeX output (ref 3342)
  • LaTeX writer: leave &quot; character inside parsed-literal as is (ref 3341)
  • 3234: intersphinx failed for encoded inventories
  • 3158: too much space after captions in PDF output
  • 3317: An URL in parsed-literal contents gets wrongly rendered in PDF if with hyphen
  • LaTeX crash if the filename of an image inserted in parsed-literal via a substitution contains an hyphen (ref 3340)
  • LaTeX rendering of inserted footnotes in parsed-literal is wrong (ref 3340)
  • Inline math in parsed-literal is not rendered well by LaTeX (ref 3340)
  • 3308: Parsed-literals don't wrap very long lines with pdf builder (ref 3340)
  • 3295: Could not import extension sphinx.builders.linkcheck
  • 3285: autosummary: asterisks are escaped twice
  • LaTeX, pass dvipdfm option to geometry package for Japanese documents (ref 3363)
  • Fix parselinenos() could not parse left half open range (cf. "-4")



Features added

  • 3214: Allow to suppress "unknown mimetype" warnings from epub builder using :confval:suppress_warnings.

Bugs fixed

  • 3195: Can not build in parallel
  • 3198: AttributeError is raised when toctree has 'self'
  • 3211: Remove untranslated sphinx locale catalogs (it was covered by untranslated it_IT)
  • 3212: HTML Builders crashes with docutils-0.13
  • 3207: more latex problems with references inside parsed-literal directive (\DUrole)
  • 3205: sphinx.util.requests crashes with old pyOpenSSL (< 0.14)
  • 3220: KeyError when having a duplicate citation
  • 3200: LaTeX: xref inside desc_name not allowed
  • 3228: build_sphinx command crashes when missing dependency
  • 2469: Ignore updates of catalog files for gettext builder. Thanks to Hiroshi Ohkubo.
  • 3183: Randomized jump box order in generated index page.


  • 3069: Even if &#39;babel&#39; key is set to empty string, LaTeX output contains one \addto\captions...
  • 3123: user &#39;babel&#39; key setting is not obeyed anymore
  • 3155: Fix JavaScript for html_sourcelink_suffix fails with IE and Opera
  • 3085: keep current directory after breaking build documentation. Thanks to Timotheus Kampik.
  • 3181: pLaTeX crashes with a section contains endash
  • 3180: latex: add stretch/shrink between successive singleline or multipleline cpp signatures (ref 3072)
  • 3128: globing images does not support .svgz file
  • 3015: fix a broken test on Windows.
  • 1843: Fix documentation of descriptor classes that have a custom metaclass. Thanks to Erik Bray.
  • 3190: util.split_docinfo fails to parse multi-line field bodies
  • 3024, 3037: In Python3, application.Sphinx._log crushed when the log message cannot be encoded into console encoding.


  • To simplify, sphinx uses external mock package even if unittest.mock exists.


  • 2432: Fix unwanted * between varargs and keyword only args. Thanks to Alex Grönholm.
  • 3062: Failed to build PDF using 1.5a2 (undefined \hypersetup for Japanese documents since PR3030)
  • Better rendering of multiline signatures in html.
  • 777: LaTeX output "too deeply nested" (ref 3096)
  • Let LaTeX image inclusion obey scale before textwidth fit (ref 2865, 3059)
  • 3019: LaTeX fails on description of C function with arguments (ref 3083)
  • fix latex inline literals where &lt; &gt; - gobbled a space


  • 2810: Problems with pdflatex in an Italian document
  • Use latex_elements.papersize to specify papersize of LaTeX in Makefile
  • 2988: linkcheck: retry with GET request if denied HEAD request
  • 2990: linkcheck raises "Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly" error if linkcheck_anchors enabled
  • 3004: Invalid link types "top" and "up" are used
  • 3009: Bad rendering of parsed-literals in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.4.4
  • 3000: option directive generates invalid HTML anchors
  • 2984: Invalid HTML has been generated if html_split_index enabled
  • 2986: themes/basic/defindex.html should be changed for html5 friendly
  • 2987: Invalid HTML has been generated if multiple IDs are assigned to a list
  • 2891: HTML search does not provide all the results
  • 1986: Title in PDF Output
  • 147: Problem with latex chapter style
  • 3018: LaTeX problem with page layout dimensions and chapter titles
  • Fix an issue with \pysigline in LaTeX style file (ref 3023)
  • 3038: sphinx.ext.math* raises TypeError if labels are duplicated
  • 3031: incompatibility with LaTeX package tocloft
  • 3003: literal blocks in footnotes are not supported by Latex
  • 3047: spacing before footnote in pdf output is not coherent and allows breaks
  • 3045: HTML search index creator should ignore "raw" content if now html
  • 3039: English stemmer returns wrong word if the word is capitalized
  • Fix make-mode Makefile template (ref 3056, 2936)


  • 2707: (latex) the column width is badly computed for tabular
  • 2799: Sphinx installs roles and directives automatically on importing sphinx module. Now Sphinx installs them on running application.
  • sphinx.ext.autodoc crashes if target code imports * from mock modules by autodoc_mock_imports.
  • 1953: Sphinx.add_node does not add handlers the translator installed by html_translator_class
  • 1797: text builder inserts blank line on top
  • 2894: quickstart main() doesn't use argv argument
  • 2874: gettext builder could not extract all text under the only directives
  • 2485: autosummary crashes with multiple source_suffix values
  • 1734: Could not translate the caption of toctree directive
  • Could not translate the content of meta directive (ref: 1734)
  • 2550: external links are opened in help viewer
  • 2687: Running Sphinx multiple times produces 'already registered' warnings



Bugs fixed

  • 2936: Fix doc/Makefile that can't build man because doc/man exists
  • 3058: Using the same 'caption' attribute in multiple 'toctree' directives results in warning / error
  • 3068: Allow the '=' character in the -D option of sphinx-build.py
  • 3074: add_source_parser() crashes in debug mode
  • 3135: sphinx.ext.autodoc crashes with plain Callable
  • 3150: Fix query word splitter in JavaScript. It behaves as same as Python's regular expression.
  • 3093: gettext build broken on substituted images.
  • 3093: gettext build broken on image node under note directive.
  • imgmath: crashes on showing error messages if image generation failed
  • 3117: LaTeX writer crashes if admonition is placed before first section title
  • 3164: Change search order of sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram

Once you have closed this pull request, I'll create seperate pull requests for every update as soon as I find them.

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖