nadavrot / layout

Layout is a rust library and a tool that renders Graphviz dot files.
MIT License
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Feature request: support some GraphViz features #13

Open DavidBJaffe opened 1 year ago

DavidBJaffe commented 1 year ago

Hi -- this crate is really cool!!

I tested an example

digraph G {
node [width=0.13,height=0.13,fontsize=10,shape=point];
edge [fontsize=18,penwidth=1.3,arrowsize=1.3,fontname=Arial];
15 -> 10 [minlen=2,color=red,label="0 (len=173,supp=807)"];
5 -> 15 [minlen=2,color=red,label="1 (len=430,supp=1567)"];
10 -> 7 [minlen=1,color=black,label="2 (len=26,supp=541)"];
7 -> 10 [minlen=1,color=black,label="3 (len=30,supp=951)"];
0 -> 7 [minlen=2,color=red,label="4 (len=618,supp=3220)"];
14 -> 13 [minlen=2,color=red,label="5 (len=632,supp=269)"];
11 -> 15 [minlen=1,color=black,label="6 (len=43,supp=40)"];

and got this output


as compared to what running dot yields


It would be awesome to get closer to the dot output.

Thank you very much!!

nadavrot commented 1 year ago

There are a few things that layout can do better. First, it does not support he shape 'point'. Second, the edge crosses one of the labels. Third, I agree that it would be better to round some of the edges (the support for that is limited).

nadavrot commented 1 year ago

@DavidBJaffe were there charts that the program rendered well?

DavidBJaffe commented 1 year ago

Well I have a lot of graphs that look kind of like the above one (and which are generated by another program). I think it's pretty good as is.