nagix / chartjs-plugin-streaming

Chart.js plugin for live streaming data
MIT License
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Websocket question #173

Open donniekerr opened 1 year ago

donniekerr commented 1 year ago

I have a websocket that is subscribed to messages from MQTT topic. On receipt of a new message (timestamp and key:value pair), How do I add the new message to the data in this example?

It isn't clear to me how to add the new message since the chart uses it's own onRefresh. I haven't found a real-world example using Vue that doesn't use random generators. I'd appreciate some help Thank you

jdhillwan commented 2 weeks ago

You can fetch the chart instance when data received on socket and on that instance you can push the data and update the chart then.

you can refer this one although the issue is different on this link but this is the solution of your query.