namecoin / Convergence

Secure peer-to-peer DNS resolution and HTTPS authentication for Firefox, without certificate authorities, using the Namecoin blockchain. This repo is deprecated in favor of and
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Anonymous Browsing with TorBrowser #32

Open JeremyRand opened 9 years ago

JeremyRand commented 9 years ago

This is a tracking issue for the various issues affecting browsing anonymity and TorBrowser. Please do not place bounties on this issue; instead place bounties on the issues referenced below.

The following are believed to be sufficient to allow .bit domains (with the "ip" or "tor" field specified, and the "tls" field optionally specified) to work in TorBrowser with reasonable anonymity. However, no review has been received, and no warranty is implied. (Don't do anything risky!)

Note that the "alias", "translate", and "ns" fields will fail to resolve when being used anonymously over Tor; this is an issue with NMControl and should be addressed separately.

In addition to the issues listed here, there's the issue that .bit support by itself makes users stand out. That can only be fixed by Namecoin being bundled with the official TorBrowser release, which (if it happens at all) is a long way off, and is totally not our call (although I would support coordinating with the Tor guys to make this easier).

This issue has nothing to do with anonymity for name owners; that will still be an issue.

--- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](
JeremyRand commented 9 years ago

Current estimate for cost of implementation: #6 $175, #8 $105, #18 $70, #31 $350. So total cost of implementation would be estimated at $700. #17 is already implemented and does not need additional bounties. This estimate does not include the cost of implementing build scripts or automated tests; these would both be necessary prior to an end-user deployment and would double the estimated cost to $1400. It would also be beneficial to offer some small bug bounties so that major bugs are more likely to be noticed before release, this would increase the estimated cost to $1600.