nand2mario / snestang

Super Nintendo Entertainment System for Tang FPGA boards
GNU General Public License v3.0
166 stars 17 forks source link

SNESTang - SNES for Sipeed Tang FPGA Boards

SNESTang is an open source project to recreate the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) with the affordable Sipeed Tang FPGA boards. Currently Tang Primer 25K, Tang Nano 20K and Tang Mega 138K Pro are supported.

If you haven't bought your board yet, Tang Primer 25K is probably the one to get. Tang Nano 20K only runs games smaller than 3.75MB (30Mbits) due to its limited SDRAM size.

Current development focus,

Setup Instructions

Detailed step-by-step instructions.

Quick instructions for experienced users:

More information on game compatibility.


Basic operations

Backup SRAM support

Core Switching


I am developing with Gowin IDE 1.9.9 Pro version (not the EDU version). It requires a free license. Just open the project file snestang_primer25k.gprj.

Read the updated design notes to understand the code or to add features.

You can also simulate the code with our verilator harness. src/test_loader.v specifies which rom is used by the simulation. Then make sim will start a SDL-based graphical simulation.

Special Thanks

nand2mario (nand2mario at

Since 2024.1