nanovna-v2 / NanoVNA2-firmware

Firmware for NanoVNA V2
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update suggestion #66

Open dustinoff opened 3 years ago

dustinoff commented 3 years ago

Current release 10/13/20. The Trace menu and the Marker menu operate differently and it would be more intuitive, and consistent, if they operated the same.

When a trace is visible, its box is colored. When a marker is visible its box remains gray and its checkbox is checked. When a trace is active its checkbox is checked and a ► precedes its name. When a marker is active only a ► precedes its name.

I am suggesting that the Marker menu be changed to function the same as the trace menu. When the marker is turned on the box changes to its color, no checked box When it is made active its checkbox is checked. When it is off its box is gray.

That should be a minor change since the Trace is already functioning that way. But what di I know?

Further, it would flow better if the name and checkbox were on the menu at all times for the Trace and marker. Then it would suggest the operation i.e., Gray = off, color = visible, checked checkbox = active But that isn't as significant if it is not easiy.
