nasa / MCT-Plugins

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Separate CSV export into its own bundle #161 #163

Closed JieD closed 10 years ago

JieD commented 10 years ago

Fix issue #161: Separate CSV export into its own bundle. (Previously it was in scenario.)

Additionally, add CSVExportCapability interface by which components can override and/or customize CSV output. When this capability is absent, action should perform as it does currently (essentially assembling a whole lot of columns based on metadata as it would appear in the info view)

Modified the following files: ScenarioPluginProvider

Wrote or re-wrote unit tests (Y/N): N Ran entire suite of unit tests successfully (Y/N): Y Verified bug fix with the described replication steps or verified the implementation meets the requirement cited (Y/N): Y Code coverage requirements satisfied (new code=80%, changed code=at least as high as existing) (Y/N): N Code review date and attendees: Code review by pull request Describe potential impact on other areas of the code: startup Describe any test prerequisites for this fix (e.g., restart the database): N For bugs marked "Regression - Yes", describe the cause of the regression: Did you modify any pom.xml file? If yes, did you thoroughly document your changes and reasons? Y

JieD commented 10 years ago

Current CSVExport assumes that the contained components and containing component have the same CSVExport format, hence only one header is rendered.