nataliiazab / movie-recommendation-app
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nodejs react tailwindcss typescript

Movie Recommendation App

A Movie Recommendation App that allows users to browse a curated list of movies. Built with a React-based frontend and an Express.js backend powered by Prisma ORM and PostgreSQL.

More Details

Architecture Overview

The app consists of two primary components:

  1. Client
    A React application for the user interface hosted on Vercel.

  2. Server
    An Express.js server for API endpoints hosted on Vercel, using Prisma for database interactions.

    Current Server Structure:

    1) server
    1.1) node_modules
    1.2) prisma
      1.2.1) migrations 20241114170453_init
   migration.sql 20241121144335_update_rating_to_json
   migration.sql migration_lock.toml
      1.2.2) dev.db
      1.2.3) schema.prisma
      1.2.4) seed.ts
    1.3) src
      1.3.1) index.ts
    1.4) .env
    1.5) .gitignore
    1.6) package-lock.json
    1.7) package.json
    1.8) tsconfig.json
    1.9) vercel.json

API Workflow

Database Schema

The application uses a PostgreSQL database with the following schema:

Movie Table

Column Type Description
id Integer (PK) Unique identifier for movie
title String Movie title
description String Movie description
genre String Genre of the movie
year Integer Release year
rating Float Average user rating
image String URL of the movie poster

Live Demo

Local Development

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the client folder:
    cd ./client
  2. Start the development server:

    npm start

View the app in your browser: http://localhost:3000

Backend Setup

Navigate to the server folder:

cd ./server

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the development server:

npm run dev

Access the server locally:

Movies endpoint: http://localhost:4000/movies

Reseeding the Database

To reseed the database on the server:

Navigate to the server folder:

cd ./server

Run the following Prisma command:

npx prisma migrate reset

This will drop the database, recreate it, and populate it with seed data.

Tech Stack



-Express.js: For server-side API endpoints. -Prisma: ORM for database interaction. -PostgreSQL: Relational database. CORS Middleware: For handling cross-origin requests.

Developed by Nataliia Zablotska