nathanieljevans / cyclicIF_registration

Registration pipeline for cyclic immuno-fluorescence.
MIT License
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Cyclic Immunofluorescence Registration Pipeline

If using within OHSU or the Mills Lab, see the wiki for more specific instructions.

To set up a remote jupyter notebook kernel on exahead, follow these instructions.


use environment.yml to set up conda environment.

$ conda env create --file environment.yml

To activate the environment, use:

$ conda activate cycIF_reg
> (cycIF_reg) 


Currently, the data directories are hard coded into the .sh files. Future work will add command line functionality to define those. To edit this, open the .sh file and modify the variables at the top of the script to define input, output, slide, scene.

To run the registration pipeline for a single experiment:

$ ./ /path/to/data/ /path/to/output/dir/ slide_name scene_name

To run this pipeline in parrallel, use:

$ ./

Once all images have been registered, the metadata and results can be aggregated by running:

$ python --dir /home/exacloud/lustre1/NGSdev/evansna/cyclicIF/output

For specific pipeline steps, see tutorial.ipynb

Output Structure

│  └ registration_results.csv 
│   │
│   │       
│   └───<scene_name_01>
|   |     └ core_id_mapping.png
|   |     └ R0_AF488.AF555.AF647.AF750_S3_2020_01_21__13471-Scene-1_c1_ORG_registered.tif
|   |     └ ... 
|   |     └ R2_PCNA.AR.ER.GATA3_S3_2020_01_23__13492-Scene-1_c5_ORG_registered.tif
│   │     │   
│   │     │
│   │     └──<core_label_01>
│   │     │      └ batch_log_file.log
│   │     │      └ core_meta.csv
│   │     │      └ registration_eval.csv
│   │     │      └ registered_core=1_round=R1_color=c1.tif
│   │     │      └ ...
│   │     │      └ unregistered_core=1_round=R1_color=c1.tif
│   │     │      └ ...
│   │     │

core_id_mapping.png R0-c1 (dapi) image annotated with core labels

R0_...registered.tif final registered image - same naming convention as input data + _registered.tif

batch_log_file.log: log file for the sbatch command

core_meta.csv: meta data for core, includes shape statistics for the dapi segmentations

registration_eval.csv: registration eval metrics

registered_core=1_round=R1_color=c1.tif registered image: round, color channel

unregistered_core=1_round=R1_color=c1.tif unregistered image: round, color channel (note: R0, c1 is the DAPI fixed channel that all others are registered too.

registration_results.csv aggregated results from all experiments/cores.


Registration results are stored in aggregated_results.csv, for which the data dictionary can be found here.

To interact with the results (especially if you're working on a remote file system), it's easiest to use the results.ipynb notebook. This allows the user to visualize segmentations and registered images. Additionally, registration metrics can be used to flag poor registrations for QC or follow-up.

To see the core ID mapping, see tutorial.ipynb or core_id_mapping.png in the scene directory.

Re-stitching Cores

To re-stitch the cores back into a single round-color image, this can be done in the results notebook or command line interface. For time complexity, it is recommended to use the multithreaded option, which will visualize progress as (Note-progress bar is currently not working. environment issues):

To re-stitch images in command line, use:

$ python --results_path /home/exacloud/lustre1/NGSdev/evansna/cyclicIF/output/aggregated_results.csv --output /home/exacloud/lustre1/NGSdev/evansna/cyclicIF/output/S3/Scene-1/ --slide S3 --scene Scene-1 --qc None

For command line options, see:

$ python --help

usage: [-h] [--results_path RESULTS] [--output OUTPUT] [--slide SLIDE] [--scene SCENE]
                         [--qc QC_METHOD]

Restitching a set of registered cores given Round,Scene,Core IDs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --results_path RESULTS
                        registration results csv path
  --output OUTPUT       output directory where the restitched images will be written to disk.
  --slide SLIDE         slide name (identifier)
  --scene SCENE         scene name (identifier)
  --qc QC_METHOD        qc method: Can be ["None", "Auto", "/path/to/file/with/line/sep/core/ids/to/filter"]

Quality Control

Quality control is best implemented at the re-stitching step. There are three options, No QC, auto QC or manual QC.

auto QC will filter any round-core registrations that do not pass the thresholds specified in
manual QC can be performed by passing either a dictionary (in results.ipynb) or as a json file ( --qc /path/to/file.json) of cores that should not be restiched. For an example of a properly formatted json file, see here.
None will perform no QC and all cores/rounds will be re-stitched.