nations / spoticord

Display your Spotify status as a Discord Rich Presence using the RPC API
122 stars 40 forks source link
discord nodejs


In favor of Discord's Spotify Connection.

spoticord 0.0.4 discordxd

Display your current Spotify song on Discord using the RPC API: N|Solid



How to run in the background



Q: Can I get banned or punished by Discord for using this?
A: No. The RPC was made by Discord themselves and Spoticord has been recommended by Discord staff

Q: I don't see the progress bar, where's it gone?
A: Make sure you're using Discord Canary. Even still, Discord might remove this feature from time to time to update it since canary is a development version of Discord.

Q: Can I host this on an external server?
A: No, the Discord RPC api runs on your local Discord client, and unless you want to port forward a few things and create necessary firewall rules to do it, it's not worth it. You'd have to repeat that with the Spotify web helper api, too.

Q: I'm not experienced with this scope of programming, are there any tutorials?
A: Yes! I found a few on YouTube:

Useful links


It says the song is being updated but it isn't being displayed on my profile?

Invalid token function (or something similar)

stdout maxBuffer exceeded or some XML/CSV parse error