nativescript-community / ui-material-components

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[ui-material-bottomnavigationbar] What is the better way to implement the loaded page ? #347

Closed kefahB closed 2 years ago

kefahB commented 2 years ago

Hi @farfromrefug,

What is the better way to implement the ui-material-bottomnavigationbar ? I mean we can simply hide the old page/frame and show the new with the visibility property or rather use the Frame.Builder to load/unload the views within the first child of the GridLayout ?

farfromrefug commented 2 years ago

@kefahB i never used it :D. But yes either that or you should be able to plug it on a TabView or even a BottomNavigation. Just dont set a tapStrip and plug the events.

kefahB commented 2 years ago

It is a very good idea my dear ;)

I'ill put the code here for other people, maybe the demo and the readme can be more explicit on this one ;)

it is very important to wrap the mdt:BottomNavigation into a GridLayout then you can set a marginBottom=0. if you dont not so, the mdt:BottomNavigation will expand the safe area and it will be under the mdc:BottomNavigationBar Tabs

<!-- main-page..xml -->
loaded="onLoaded" navigating="onNavigatedTo">

<GridLayout rows="*, auto" loaded="onLoaded">
    <GridLayout  row="0" columns="" marginBottom="0">
        <mdt:BottomNavigation id="bottomNavigation" loaded="onBottomNavigationLoaded" selectedIndex="{{ bottomNavigationSelectedIndex ? bottomNavigationSelectedIndex : 0}}">
                <Frame id="home" defaultPage="views/home/home"></Frame>
                <Frame id="transactions" defaultPage="views/transaction/transactionsList/transactions"></Frame>
                <Frame id="menuManager" defaultPage="views/menuManager/menuManager"></Frame>
                <Frame id="currentDay" defaultPage="views/bookingManager/currentDay/currentDay"></Frame>

        <mdc:BottomNavigationTab title="Home" icon="res://ic_home" />
        <mdc:BottomNavigationTab title="Transactions" icon="res://ic_list" />
        <mdc:BottomNavigationTab title="Menu" icon="res://ic_menu" />
        <mdc:BottomNavigationTab title="Bookings" icon="res://ic_bookings" />

To plug the event from mdc:BottomNavigationBar to mdt:BottomNavigation simply bind the context from mdc:BottomNavigationBar tabSelected event with the newIndex to the mdt:BottomNavigation selectedIndex="{{ bottomNavigationSelectedIndex ? bottomNavigationSelectedIndex : 0}}"

export function onBottomNavigationTabSelected(args: TabSelectedEventData): void {
    console.log(`old tab index:  ${args.oldIndex}`);
    console.log(`selected tab index:  ${args.newIndex}`);   
    const newIndex = args.newIndex;
    const oldIndex = args.oldIndex;

    let view = args.object as View;
    let page: Page = as Page;

    page.bindingContext = new Observable();
    page.bindingContext = {
        "bottomNavigationSelectedIndex": newIndex
farfromrefug commented 2 years ago

@kefahB in case you need it i added a few releases back a iosCustomPositioning property just to handle that kind of cases