Closed etataurov closed 9 years ago
Just with better formatting:
Expected: a collection containing "source=file:///var/folders/9q/m53br8dx3fd5gyhwchcxv98m0000gn/T/junit7101532984635018458/junit1415633578958550902/accounts.xml"
but: was "# You can define several sources, with different number each",
was "source=file:///private/var/folders/9q/m53br8dx3fd5gyhwchcxv98m0000gn/T/junit7101532984635018458/junit1415633578958550902/accounts.xml",
was "#source1=<some another source file or url here>",
was "",
was "# Use 'browser' variable to set custom web browser",
was "#browser=xdg-open {url}",
was "#browser=open {url}",
was "#browser=cmd /C start {url}",
was "#browser=cmd /C @start {url}",
was "",
was "# Use 'ftp' variable to set custom FTP browser",
was "#ftp=gftp ftp://anonymous@{host}:{port}",
was "#ftp=putty {options} -telnet {host} -P {port}",
was "#ftp=open ftp://anonymous@{host}:{port}",
was "",
was "# Use 'terminal' variable to set custom terminal launcher.",
was "# Seek for more documentation on",
was "#terminal=xterm {options} -e telnet {host} {port}",
was "#terminal=putty {options} -telnet {host} -P {port}",
was "#terminal=open telnet://{host}:{port}"
@etataurov please try to run build from fix-macosx-build
branch. Does test still fail?