navidcy / ASC-idealised

An idealised Antarctic Slope Current configuration in Oceananigans.jl.
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link


An idealised Antarctic Slope Current configuration in Oceananigans.jl similar to the one used by Stewart and Thompson, GRL, 2014.

Please open an issue or start a new discussion for any ideas, concerns, suggestions, or questions you may have!

To run this on NCI's HPC first from a login node (that has internet access) we clone the repository and instantiate the project (i.e., download all necessary dependencies).

git clone ...
cd ASC-idealised
julia --project
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate();

Then we can either ask for an interactive GPU/CPU queue via, e.g.,

$ qsub -q gpuvolta -P x77 -l walltime=6:00:00 -l ncpus=12 -l ngpus=1 -l mem=128GB -l jobfs=10GB -N gpuineract -W umask=027 -l storage=gdata/v45+gdata/hh5+gdata/x77+scratch/v45+scratch/x77 -l wd -j n -I -X


$ qsub -q normal -P x77 -l walltime=6:00:00 -l ncpus=48 -l -l mem=190GB -l jobfs=10GB -N cpuineract -W umask=027 -l storage=gdata/v45+gdata/hh5+gdata/x77+scratch/v45+scratch/x77 -l wd -j n -I -X

and then

julia --project
julia> include("asc.jl")

Alternatively we can submit a job to the usual non-interactive queue via

$ qsub