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Example breast tumours Error in Step 4 - heatmap #109

Open LeaLe88 opened 3 months ago

LeaLe88 commented 3 months ago

Good afternoon,

I am currently trying to run the example with the breast tumours. However, I get the following error in step 4 when trying to plot the heatmap.3:

` heatmap.3(t(CNA.test[,4:ncol(CNA.test)]),dendrogram="r", distfun = function(x) parallelDist::parDist(x,threads =4, method = "euclidean"), hclustfun = function(x) hclust(x, method="ward.D2"),
             ColSideColors=chr1,RowSideColors=cells,Colv=NA, Rowv=TRUE,
             notecol="black",col=my_palette,breaks=col_breaks, key=TRUE,
             keysize=1,"none", trace="none",
             symm=F,symkey=F,symbreaks=T,cex=1, cex.main=4, margins=c(10,10))

Error in heatmap.3(t(CNA.test[, 4:ncol(CNA.test)]), dendrogram = "r",  : 
  'RowSideColors' must be a matrix of ncol(x) columns`

Can you please help me with this?

Thank you!