ncase / coming-out-simulator-2014

Coming Out Simulator 2014
The Unlicense
303 stars 61 forks source link

Repository Cleanup & Optimisation #6

Closed KraigWalker closed 5 years ago

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago
KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

Gah... I didn't see that you had made changes already...

sylvia43 commented 10 years ago

You're only slightly behind, you can manually merge. Also, typically commits are squashed when making pull requests but it's probably fine.

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

Rebased the changes over mine. But I've also removed the Archive.zips that have been added. These sort of files shouldn't be going into source control. They add a ton of unnecessary bloat. if you want downloadable zips, Github allows you to do that.

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

Imagine having a zip of a zip... Zipception... :confounded:

sylvia43 commented 10 years ago

lol yeah that's a good idea. And if you need to access an old version of the repo... Well this is Git, isn't it?

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago


sylvia43 commented 10 years ago


sylvia43 commented 10 years ago

Also zip inside a zip... Let's write a compression/encryption algorithm that takes a folder, zips it with the highest possible compression (at the cost of time to unzip), and then keep zipping it over and over with maximum compression until it takes hours to unzip.

ncase commented 10 years ago

As you may have noticed, I am an utter noob who uses Github as Dropbox.

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

Lol np :) You should have seen me 3 years ago.

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

I don't think I've ever done a rebase yet without the help site open

sylvia43 commented 10 years ago

I just have an alias: "git up" -> "git pull --rebase"

ncase commented 10 years ago

oh god I already messed things up

I just had to force push after merging @anubiann00b 's commits where they added gitignore and removed the DS_STOREs. I hope this doesn't break anything.

sylvia43 commented 10 years ago

It looks like it can be automerged...

Wait what commits did I make?

sylvia43 commented 10 years ago

It wasn't me, it was @ancarda

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

okay... erm... can I help out by first ascertaining what you tried to do @ncase ?

KraigWalker commented 10 years ago

Okay. I've looked at the current network graph and figured out what's going on.

@ncase - it's best you perform the automerge on github, then pull the changes to your local version. You're currently duplicating work that's already been done (I've already run the other commits over my work, and deleted the archive and DS_Store)

ancarda commented 5 years ago

@ncase: Would it be possible to either merge or close this PR? As comment #48638320 mentioned my handle, this PR has become a permanent part of my mention tab.

If you're unable - or unwilling - to merge or close this PR, could I ask you edit the linked comment and remove my handle?

Essentially, I use the created, assigned, mentioned, and review tabs like inboxes (to keep at zero), so it's really quite distracting to have a PR from 2014 on there as a permanent feature.