I tested it to see if it could find the string "Waldo" in an open Notepad++ window.
Running memscan.exe via a shortcut with target set to "memscan.exe" -string -o 6092 5 100 Waldo gives this error:
Starting search for "Waldo" on procid 6092 sending output to stdio with delay of 5 and width of 100
Unhandled Exception: System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at MemoryScanner.ProgObj.memScanString (CliArgs myargs)
at MemoryScanner.ProgOb].Main(String[] args)
Looking at memscan.exe in a hex editor I see it is 32-bit, but I'm running Windows 10 64-bit, and Notepad++ is 64-but also.
I tested it to see if it could find the string "Waldo" in an open Notepad++ window.
Running memscan.exe via a shortcut with target set to
"memscan.exe" -string -o 6092 5 100 Waldo
gives this error:Looking at memscan.exe in a hex editor I see it is 32-bit, but I'm running Windows 10 64-bit, and Notepad++ is 64-but also.
Could that be the problem?