ncoghlan / pyscl-devel

Utilities to assist in sclo-python maintenance
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Create first sclo-python release based on rh-python35 #1

Open ncoghlan opened 7 years ago

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

This issue covers making an initial release of sclo-python that exactly matches the existing rh-python35 SCL, except using the sclo-python SCL name.

Learn to use RPM List builder:

Do the initial build of sclo-python:

Add dedicated packaging branches for the rolling Python SCL:

Actually release the new SCL:

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

Additional resources:

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

As I look more at this, I think I'm going to have to push full event-driven release automation into the "later" bucket (and it will probably become dependent on the Fedora Modularity and Fedora CI work).

Instead, the initial release process will be dependent on my kicking it off locally for whatever I want to update.

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

Filed #4 and #5 to reflect the fact that rebuilds won't initially be automated.

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

Steps for the initial tool installation:

git clone
pushd rpm-list-builder
git checkout v1.0.0
vex -m pyscl-devel
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
git clone
cd pyscl-devel/rpmlb
rpmlb --download custom --custom-file sclorg-distgit-download.yml \
          --build mock --mock-config epel-7-x86_64 \
          --work-directory .working \
          python-recipe.yml sclo-python

TODO: Write a custom rpm-list-builder YAML file for getting SRPMs and sources from sclorg-distgit

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

Initial build attempt failed due to a few test failures when running the tests in a with_rewheel=0 build, so I've created as a fork where I can work on spec fixes

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

Turns out there is a run_selftest_suite macro I can set to zero instead, but it would also make sense to update the check macro to exclude these tests when running without rewheel:

The spec also isn't passing -j4 to the test suite, so it's serialising all the tests rather than running any of them in parallel (which adds up, since the self-check tests both the debug and release binaries)

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

I've published the rpmlb files I'm using at

Running it requires CUSTOM_DIR support in rpmlb, though:

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@encukou @torsava @stratakis @irushchyshyn While my notes here are a bit stream-of-consciousness as I try to get the initial sclo-python builds working, I'm guessing they may be of interest as review commentary on the SCL build recipe and Python spec file :)

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

Using "macros" in the recipe doesn't appear to be working as intended, as the %global expressions in the original spec file end up overriding the rpmlb provided values.

I'm going to switch to using replaced_macros in the recipe for now, but a more preferable long term solution might be to make those global definitions conditional, so they don't do anything if the macro has already been set.

hroncok commented 7 years ago

I wanted to make those bconds anyway:

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@torsava Running RPM list builder as documented doesn't seem to be setting a suitable SCL prefix - is there something currently undocumented that needs to be passed to the rpmlb call to get it to be set appropriately for all the RPM builds?

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@hroncok Aye, that would be a very nice solution.

torsava commented 7 years ago

@torsava Running RPM list builder as documented doesn't seem to be setting a suitable SCL prefix - is there something currently undocumented that needs to be passed to the rpmlb call to get it to be set appropriately for all the RPM builds?

Did my email suggestion to add scl-utils-build and metapackage-build to the buildroot solve this issue?

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@torsava The missing piece was passing --define 'scl rh-python35' to mock as one of the entries in --rpmbuild-opts. At the moment I'm setting that directly in the custom build backend.

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@torsava was another interesting discovery - the SCL config files don't actually get generated properly when installing them post-build if yum isn't installed. (It might be one of yum's dependencies rather than yum itself that's the missing piece, but it's clear there's a missing runtime dependency that isn't necessarily included in a fresh buildroot)

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

With the serialised RPM builds, a full from-scratch build (including setting up the build root) took just under an hour of real time here (as measured by doing time rpmlb...). Three key speedups are included in that:

There's plenty of opportunity to speed that up further by doing some of the later package builds in parallel.

I'd also be interested to know whether the instructions at work for anyone else (since the point of the exercise is to make the local bootstrapping almost entirely automated)

torsava commented 7 years ago

@ncoghlan Interesting! We did not have to deal with these issues when building in Brew or Copr.

A full serialized from-scratch build of all the packages in the collection in under an hour? That sounds literally unbelievable to me... wow, good work!

I'd also be interested to know whether the instructions at work for anyone else (since the point of the exercise is to make the bootstrapping almost entirely automated)

I can try it out if it'll help you.

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@torsava I suspect what I'm mainly finding are a few implicit dependencies on things that are pre-installed in the COPR & Koji buildroots for the SCL builds, but aren't listed in the default EPEL mock configs.

As far as the from scratch build in under an hour goes, I suspect running entirely from SSD is a big part of that. Next time I do a full build I'll try to remember to keep an eye on the disk IO bandwidth usage.

torsava commented 7 years ago

@ncoghlan So I did the build myself and I sent a PR to amend the README a little bit. It indeed finished inside an hour, impressive!

I did get a few of these: WARNING: Failed install built packages, see build.log.

ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

@torsava D'oh about the install failures - I knew about the problem with --postinstall not affecting the mock return code if it failed, but I forgot to double check my own logs for that error message. It's hard to tell the full significance just from the build log though (since that doesn't say which packages failed to install).