ndeadly / MissionControl

Use controllers from other consoles natively on your Nintendo Switch via Bluetooth. No dongles or other external hardware neccessary.
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[Bug Report]: MissionControl seems to break pro controller firmware upgrades #639

Open KirovAir opened 1 year ago

KirovAir commented 1 year ago

Switch Firmware Version

Other (please specify in issue description)

Atmosphère Version

Other (please specify in issue description)

Mission Control Version

0.9.2 (Latest)

Boot Method


Issue Description

Currently using Atmosphère 1.5.3 and HOS 16.0.3.

By accident there was a firmware upgrade available for my switch pro controller. I tried updating it but it kept failing. Even after a reboot. Since my battery was sufficient I suspected a module, maybe. Simply disable MissionControl, rebooted and the firmware update succeeded on the first try. There were no other controllers connected. Just the Pro controller.

In hindsight I should've enabled some debug logging..

Hopefully this report makes sense. Just a minor issue but I couldn't find similar issues so I'm posting mine. Thanks for all the development! By far my favorite switch module <3.

Error Report

No response

Additional Context

No response

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

Hmm, interesting. Mission Control should just pass through traffic from official controllers. I will investigate. Not sure if I've updated my Pro Controller recently or not.

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

Seems all my controllers are up to date. Do you remember what happened on failure? Was there an error message displayed? If so there might be some logs in /atmosphere/erpt_reports

KirovAir commented 1 year ago

Nothing bad happened on failure. It was just a HOS message saying: "Update failed": "The controller has disconnected" or something like that. The connected reconnected instantly without any problem.

Now that I am checking my SD card it might be that emuiibo (1.0) was still on my system so that could be a culprit as well.. Sorry for not mentioning it in the issue.

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

it might be that emuiibo (1.0) was still on my system so that could be a culprit as well

It's possible. I'll ask around on my discord server if anyone is willing to try the update with only Mission Control running.

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

Confirmed that this seems to be an issue for Pro Controllers at least (Joycons can be updated in handheld mode bypassing Bluetooth). Will investigate a fix with the help of someone who has a controller with an older firmware.

Ammako commented 1 year ago

For what it's worth, newer versions of MissionControl (not sure when it started happening really) attempt to "update" my Wii U Pro Controller when that of course isn't going to work. It doesn't error out though, it just loads infinitely until you manually power down the controller.

It's a different problem, but perhaps the change that broke pro controller firmware upgrades is the same that also causes mine too. So maybe investigating that could end up also solving this problem too, if you don't manage to find someone with an out-of-date pro controller.

myeuropeanPAL commented 7 months ago

Hello, I have the same issue with MissionControl 0.10.0 and atmosphere 1.6.2 on switch firmware 17.0.0