ndierckx / NOVOPlasty

NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller
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Genome structure questions #55

Closed jullee closed 5 years ago

jullee commented 6 years ago

Hi I'm thinking about using NOVOPlasty to assemble chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes from a flowering plant species (WGS Illumina data; reference from the same species available to seed the program). I know the mitochondria in particular is something really tricky in plants and I'm wondering if there is any information on how the program might fare in light of potential:

1) Recombination 2) Multiple organelle "chromosomes" in addition to the large circular genome expected 3) Pseudogenes

I appreciate any thoughts on this!

ndierckx commented 6 years ago


1.What you mean by recombination? As far as now there is no in organelle gneomes 2.If there are multiple circular genomes, you need a seed for each (100 bp is enough as seed) 3.They are no problem