A variant of groupOn that pairs each group with its key. Compare:
groupOn :: Eq b => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [ [a]]
groupOnKey :: Eq b => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [(k, [a])]
Wanting access to the key while processing the group is a very common use case.
The idea is to emulate the ergonomics of python's itertools.groupby
for key, group in groupby(collection, keyfunc):
for item in group:
print(f" {item}")
for_ (groupOnKey keyFunc collection) $ \(key, group) -> do
putStrLn $ show key <> ":"
for_ group (putStrLn . (" "<>) . show)
-- Existing solution using groupOn
for_ (groupOn keyFunc collection) $ \group -> do
-- this is very common boilerplate.
-- it feels kind of ugly to have to manually pull the key out of the first element of each group
-- the partial head call is unfortunate, even though it's safe here
let key = keyFunc $ head group
putStrLn $ show key <> ":"
for_ group (putStrLn . (" "<>) . show)
Sounds very reasonable - usually the key computation is cheap (since you have to apply it a relatively large amount of times), but this saves you from having to do the nasty head to retrieve it. PR welcome!
A variant of
that pairs each group with its key. Compare:Why
Wanting access to the key while processing the group is a very common use case. The idea is to emulate the ergonomics of python's
I'm not wedded to the name. What do you think?