ndunand / moodle-mod_choicegroup

Moodle "Group Choice" plugin
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Feature: configurable export #211

Open christianwolters opened 1 month ago

christianwolters commented 1 month ago

Hi @ndunand,

at one of our moodle instances the student-idnumber is located in another profile field (not the id number field).

For now, we patched this locally to include the idnumber in the export, but we would like to contribute a global mod setting for the export fields.

This could be implemented differently. I am sharing two user stories below.

Are you open for a PR for this topic? Do you have any preferences which way to go?

Cheers Chris

User story 1 "configure idnumber field"

As an administrator I want to configure systemwide which profile field to use for the idnumber export column (e.g. by choosing from a select field that provides all core profile fields) in order to use the username field instead of idnumber field.

User story 2 "configure all fields"

As an administrator I want to configure systemwide which profile fields are used in the export (e.g. by choosing from a multiselect field that provides all core profile fields and maybe some custom profile field type) in order to completey configure what is exported in the choicegroup export.

ndunand commented 1 month ago

Hi @christianwolters ,

Thanks for suggesting this idea. It sounds like a really good idea and I would be open for a PR, of course.

Option 2 sounds better but I’ll leave it up to you.

snack753 commented 1 month ago

+1 from me. We are currently also discussing the same. Need to add a separate field (custom user profile field) to the export. A new feature like described in option 2 would be highly appreciated.

snack753 commented 1 month ago

@christianwolters Could you let me know how you patched this locally? We are considering doing this too on our end until this feature is available.