Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.
🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.
Detected Package Files
.circleci/config.yml (circleci)
e2e/monorepo-support/project.clj (leiningen)
project.clj (leiningen)
Configuration Summary
Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:
Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation
If semantic commits detected, use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others
Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories
Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges
Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour
Limit to maximum 20 open PRs at any time
Group known monorepo packages together
Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings
Fix some problems with very old Maven commons versions
Ignore spring cloud 1.x releases
Ignore http4s digest-based 1.x milestones
Use node versioning for @types/node
Limit concurrent requests to reduce load on Repology servers until we can fix this properly, see issue 10133
🔡 Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.
What to Expect
With your current configuration, Renovate will create 23 Pull Requests:
Update dependency com.gfredericks:how-to-ns to v0.2.9
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.gfredericks-how-to-ns-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.gfredericks:how-to-ns](https://togithub.com/gfredericks/how-to-ns) to `0.2.9`
Update dependency com.gfredericks:lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character to v0.1.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.gfredericks-lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.gfredericks:lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character](https://togithub.com/gfredericks/lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character) to `0.1.2`
Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.modular to v2.2.0-alpha4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.modular-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.modular](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.modular) to `2.2.0-alpha4`
Update dependency criterium:criterium to v0.4.6
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/criterium-criterium-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [criterium:criterium](https://togithub.com/hugoduncan/criterium) to `0.4.6`
Update dependency integrant:repl to v0.3.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/integrant-repl-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [integrant:repl](https://togithub.com/weavejester/integrant-repl) to `0.3.2`
Update dependency lambdaisland:deep-diff to v0.0-47
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/lambdaisland-deep-diff-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [lambdaisland:deep-diff](https://togithub.com/lambdaisland/deep-diff) to `0.0-47`
Update dependency nrepl:nrepl to v0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/nrepl-nrepl-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [nrepl:nrepl](https://togithub.com/nrepl/nrepl) to `0.9.0-SNAPSHOT`
Update dependency org.clojure:clojure to v1.10.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/org.clojure-clojure-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [org.clojure:clojure](https://togithub.com/clojure/clojure) to `1.10.3`
Update dependency clj-kondo:clj-kondo to v2021.10.19
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/clj-kondo-clj-kondo-2021.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [clj-kondo:clj-kondo](https://togithub.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo) to `2021.10.19`
Update dependency cljfmt:cljfmt to v0.8.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/cljfmt-cljfmt-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [cljfmt:cljfmt](https://togithub.com/weavejester/cljfmt) to `0.8.0`
Update dependency com.clojure-goes-fast:clj-java-decompiler to v0.3.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.clojure-goes-fast-clj-java-decompiler-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.clojure-goes-fast:clj-java-decompiler](https://togithub.com/clojure-goes-fast/clj-java-decompiler) to `0.3.1`
Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:speced.def to v2.1.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-speced.def-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:speced.def](https://togithub.com/nedap/speced.def) to `2.1.0`
Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.collections to v2.2.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.collections-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.collections](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.collections) to `2.2.0`
Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.spec.predicates to v1.2.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.spec.predicates-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.spec.predicates](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.spec.predicates) to `1.2.0`
Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.test to v1.8.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.test-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.test](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.test) to `1.8.0`
Update dependency formatting-stack:formatting-stack to v4.4.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/formatting-stack-formatting-stack-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [formatting-stack:formatting-stack](https://togithub.com/nedap/formatting-stack) to `4.4.1`
Update dependency lein-pprint:lein-pprint to v1.3.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/lein-pprint-lein-pprint-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [lein-pprint:lein-pprint](https://togithub.com/technomancy/leiningen) to `1.3.2`
Update dependency medley:medley to v1.3.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/medley-medley-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [medley:medley](https://togithub.com/weavejester/medley) to `1.3.0`
Update dependency nubank:matcher-combinators to v1.5.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/nubank-matcher-combinators-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [nubank:matcher-combinators](https://togithub.com/nubank/matcher-combinators) to `1.5.2`
Update dependency refactor-nrepl:refactor-nrepl to v3.1.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/refactor-nrepl-refactor-nrepl-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [refactor-nrepl:refactor-nrepl](https://togithub.com/clojure-emacs/refactor-nrepl) to `3.1.0`
Update dependency com.stuartsierra:component to v1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.stuartsierra-component-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.stuartsierra:component](https://togithub.com/stuartsierra/component) to `1.0.0`
Update dependency com.taoensso:timbre to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/com.taoensso-timbre-5.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [com.taoensso:timbre](https://togithub.com/ptaoussanis/timbre) to `5.1.2`
Update dependency nubank:matcher-combinators to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/nubank-matcher-combinators-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [nubank:matcher-combinators](https://togithub.com/nubank/matcher-combinators) to `3.3.1`
🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or spam the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.
⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠
Please correct - or verify that you can safely ignore - these lookup failures before you merge this PR.
Failed to look up dependency io.reflectoring.diffparser:diffparser
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:java.classpath
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:java.data
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:tools.namespace
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:tools.reader
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:core.async
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:math.combinatorics
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:test.check
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:clojurescript
Failed to look up dependency com.cognitect:transit-clj
Failed to look up dependency com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305
Failed to look up dependency com.google.errorprone:error_prone_annotations
Failed to look up dependency com.google.guava:guava
Failed to look up dependency com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java
Files affected: project.clj
❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section.
If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.
Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.
🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.
Detected Package Files
(leiningen)Configuration Summary
Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:
for dependencies andchore
for all othersnode_modules
and various test/tests directories🔡 Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the
in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.What to Expect
With your current configuration, Renovate will create 23 Pull Requests:
Update dependency com.gfredericks:how-to-ns to v0.2.9
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.gfredericks-how-to-ns-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.gfredericks:how-to-ns](https://togithub.com/gfredericks/how-to-ns) to `0.2.9`Update dependency com.gfredericks:lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character to v0.1.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.gfredericks-lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.gfredericks:lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character](https://togithub.com/gfredericks/lein-all-my-files-should-end-with-exactly-one-newline-character) to `0.1.2`Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.modular to v2.2.0-alpha4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.modular-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.modular](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.modular) to `2.2.0-alpha4`Update dependency criterium:criterium to v0.4.6
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/criterium-criterium-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [criterium:criterium](https://togithub.com/hugoduncan/criterium) to `0.4.6`Update dependency integrant:repl to v0.3.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/integrant-repl-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [integrant:repl](https://togithub.com/weavejester/integrant-repl) to `0.3.2`Update dependency lambdaisland:deep-diff to v0.0-47
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/lambdaisland-deep-diff-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [lambdaisland:deep-diff](https://togithub.com/lambdaisland/deep-diff) to `0.0-47`Update dependency nrepl:nrepl to v0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/nrepl-nrepl-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [nrepl:nrepl](https://togithub.com/nrepl/nrepl) to `0.9.0-SNAPSHOT`Update dependency org.clojure:clojure to v1.10.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/org.clojure-clojure-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [org.clojure:clojure](https://togithub.com/clojure/clojure) to `1.10.3`Update dependency clj-kondo:clj-kondo to v2021.10.19
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/clj-kondo-clj-kondo-2021.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [clj-kondo:clj-kondo](https://togithub.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo) to `2021.10.19`Update dependency cljfmt:cljfmt to v0.8.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/cljfmt-cljfmt-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [cljfmt:cljfmt](https://togithub.com/weavejester/cljfmt) to `0.8.0`Update dependency com.clojure-goes-fast:clj-java-decompiler to v0.3.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.clojure-goes-fast-clj-java-decompiler-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.clojure-goes-fast:clj-java-decompiler](https://togithub.com/clojure-goes-fast/clj-java-decompiler) to `0.3.1`Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:speced.def to v2.1.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-speced.def-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:speced.def](https://togithub.com/nedap/speced.def) to `2.1.0`Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.collections to v2.2.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.collections-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.collections](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.collections) to `2.2.0`Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.spec.predicates to v1.2.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.spec.predicates-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.spec.predicates](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.spec.predicates) to `1.2.0`Update dependency com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.test to v1.8.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.nedap.staffing-solutions-utils.test-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.nedap.staffing-solutions:utils.test](https://togithub.com/nedap/utils.test) to `1.8.0`Update dependency formatting-stack:formatting-stack to v4.4.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/formatting-stack-formatting-stack-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [formatting-stack:formatting-stack](https://togithub.com/nedap/formatting-stack) to `4.4.1`Update dependency lein-pprint:lein-pprint to v1.3.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/lein-pprint-lein-pprint-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [lein-pprint:lein-pprint](https://togithub.com/technomancy/leiningen) to `1.3.2`Update dependency medley:medley to v1.3.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/medley-medley-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [medley:medley](https://togithub.com/weavejester/medley) to `1.3.0`Update dependency nubank:matcher-combinators to v1.5.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/nubank-matcher-combinators-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [nubank:matcher-combinators](https://togithub.com/nubank/matcher-combinators) to `1.5.2`Update dependency refactor-nrepl:refactor-nrepl to v3.1.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/refactor-nrepl-refactor-nrepl-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [refactor-nrepl:refactor-nrepl](https://togithub.com/clojure-emacs/refactor-nrepl) to `3.1.0`Update dependency com.stuartsierra:component to v1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.stuartsierra-component-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.stuartsierra:component](https://togithub.com/stuartsierra/component) to `1.0.0`Update dependency com.taoensso:timbre to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/com.taoensso-timbre-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [com.taoensso:timbre](https://togithub.com/ptaoussanis/timbre) to `5.1.2`Update dependency nubank:matcher-combinators to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/nubank-matcher-combinators-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [nubank:matcher-combinators](https://togithub.com/nubank/matcher-combinators) to `3.3.1`🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or spam the project. See docs for
for details.⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠
Please correct - or verify that you can safely ignore - these lookup failures before you merge this PR.
Failed to look up dependency io.reflectoring.diffparser:diffparser
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:java.classpath
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:java.data
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:tools.namespace
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:tools.reader
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:core.async
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:math.combinatorics
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:test.check
Failed to look up dependency org.clojure:clojurescript
Failed to look up dependency com.cognitect:transit-clj
Failed to look up dependency com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305
Failed to look up dependency com.google.errorprone:error_prone_annotations
Failed to look up dependency com.google.guava:guava
Failed to look up dependency com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java
Files affected:
❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.
This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.