negativecode / vines

An XMPP chat server for Ruby.
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undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #25

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

After installing everything and running vines-services init

I get "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass" after putting in the name and password of my first user.

Any ideas?

Strech commented 11 years ago

@chemicalfire Plz show a full backtrace

ghost commented 11 years ago

Pardon my ignorance but can you explain how I would do that. I was trying to figure out how to do that, I tried -l output.log but wasn't getting anything.

Strech commented 11 years ago

@chemicalfire Start not demonized vines, like vines start, repeat this error again and just copy and paste all trace from console. That's all :joy:

ghost commented 11 years ago

Well I get the error when initializing the application using

"vines-services init"

So its even before I hope into the folder and start vines.

I managed to get it working on a second VM, but I still have the original VM I can get the output from if I can figure out how to get the stack trace from the init command. Or I can just close this if you don't think its an issue with vines.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Well actually I was able to reproduce it.

So after installing the gems, I ran vines-services init

It worked, but then I deleted that folder and tried running the init command a second time and got the error after entering my username and password for the initializing account.

Strech commented 11 years ago

@chemicalfire Could you try execute something like

$ gem install vines
$ vines init
Strech commented 11 years ago

@chemicalfire I'm not a vines dev, and i init my vines app via vines binary, not vines-services ... may be you missed something in vines-services config file, etc

ghost commented 11 years ago

Yeah I was able to do vines init just fine, that is my plan for continuing. But I figured since it crashed without an error on the vine-services init I should report it.

Thanks for providing help, It is appreciated.

Strech commented 11 years ago

@chemicalfire Thanks :star2:

Maybe i take couple minutes by looking at vines-services code, and if i found something, i will write to you

arlyxiao commented 10 years ago

I have the same problem. it's what I do below: 1, Run vines-services init wonderland.lit to create an account 'alice' and the dir wonderland.lit 2, remove the dir wonderland.lit 3 Run vines-services init again and type alice to create the user. then the error happens if I type other username which never used before, it will have no the error

nordringrayhide commented 9 years ago

+1 having the same issue and workflow that @arlyxiao have described

nordringrayhide commented 9 years ago

So looks like I've found the drawback. if you want fully remove initialised directory, you have to do the same with its database as well.

rm -rf /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb/wonderland_lit.couch

but be careful you've stop couchdb server before removing the database or just restart db server before initialisation of the dir wonderland.lit

Naturally, database location depends on your install CouchDB use case.