nengo / keras-lmu

Keras implementation of Legendre Memory Units
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Paths to DropoutRNNCellMixin and BaseRandomLayer not found (keras-lmu 0.7.0) #57

Open flacle opened 3 weeks ago

flacle commented 3 weeks ago

This is likely due to Keras version changes. Currently using Keras 3.2.1 with Tensorflow 2.16.1.

So far, I've changed the following in

from keras.src.layers.rnn.dropout_rnn_cell_mixin import DropoutRNNCellMixin to: from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.recurrent import DropoutRNNCellMixin

and: from keras.src.engine.base_layer import BaseRandomLayer to: from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer as BaseRandomLayer

and: training = tf.keras.backend.learning_phase() to: training = True

drasmuss commented 3 weeks ago

If you install the current development version from the main branch it should be compatible with tensorflow 2.16. We'll do a release with those updates soon.