nergmada / planning-wiki

By the community, for everyone. is the online guide to AI Planning
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Migration to CMS + New Site #95

Open nergmada opened 2 years ago

nergmada commented 2 years ago

Hi All,

Firstly thank you so much for your continued interest in this resource, and please accept my apologies for being such a poor steward to it over the 3+ years that the wiki has been available. Particularly, my apologies to those of you who have taken the time to fork this repo, create a PR and fix issues.

That said there are evident flaws in the way this system currently works, and indeed scales. The markdown structure we currently use has a lot of benefits. It, among other things, means that our entire content base can remain free, open-source and available offline. This guide is free and I intend to preserve that as best I can.

However, this makes it much harder to contribute. Forking, editing and pushing content is hard, it's further bottlenecked by my total absence for extended periods where PRs do not get closed. It's not practical to ask experts in this field to spend time going through this process. Conversely, it's inappropriate not to vet content at least for suitability if not for accuracy.

For these reasons, I have taken the time to build a new prototype version of Being the ever prepared soul that I am, I happen to also hold the Domain registration for and have published an initial example of my vision for this new and improved wiki.

Despite its new frontend, which I intend to make more mobile friendly and suitable for audiences who - like myself - have poor eyesight or other sensory issues, the biggest changes are in how content is created.

This version sits on top of a headless CMS called Strapi (screenshots included for illustrative purposes).


This CMS provides a fully interfaced editor and API, allows me to create additional user accounts and is completely integrated with the front end. It is open-source and both the front end and cms can be found on my public repos right now ( and

It's not perfect. It may not be what those who follow this project desire, and if that is the case, I invite you to make that clear here. What is abundantly clear is that I cannot manage this project alone, nor does interest in this project seem to be abating.

Therefore please make your thoughts, opinions, support and ideas known.

Yours Faithfully -Adam

OfficiallySomeGuy commented 2 years ago

Feel some of the issues related to the above could be resolved by adding more maintainers -- you don't need to be so hard on yourself to make yourself responsible for the project alone :smile: