nesbox / emulator

Emulator of NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, GameBoy video consoles
MIT License
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Emulator Loading 100% but no run #43

Open DrTosh opened 8 years ago

DrTosh commented 8 years ago

Hello i just want to embed the emulator into my website this is my index page: ` // the javascript: var resizeOwnEmulator = function(width, height) { var emulator = $('#emulator'); emulator.css('width', width); emulator.css('height', height); }

    function embed()
        var emulator = $('#emulator');
            var flashvars = {
                system : 'nes',
                url : "/roms/Metroid.nes"};
            var params = {};
            var attributes = {};

            params.allowscriptaccess = 'sameDomain';
            params.allowFullScreen = 'true';
            params.allowFullScreenInteractive = 'true';

            swfobject.embedSWF('bin/Nesbox.swf', 'emulator', '640', '480', '11.2.0', 'flash/expressInstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes);



But it is not working. The Emulator is displayed, but he just says Loading game 100% But it doesnt matter where the rom is. If I say url:"asjdfkajs;dlkfja;lsdkjf;lkasjdf" then he says Loading game 100%

If i let flashvars empty like this: var flashvars = {};

The Emulator displays to and i can click on it and choose a rom and can play!

But of course i want to choose a rom in the code.

My Directories on the server is

index.php Nesbox.as3proj src roms -Metroid.nes lib flash -expressInstall.swf bin -Nesbox.swf -nes.swf

So Pls guys can someone help me out?

nesbox commented 8 years ago

hi, pls give me url and I'll try to investigate.

DrTosh commented 7 years ago

Thx for trying to help me. But i solved the problem my self. It was just a tiny mistake here: url : "/roms/Metroid.nes" it hast to be: url : "roms/Metroid.nes" without the slash, because it is a relative path.

The Problem in here is that there isn't a failure message or something like that. It just says game loaded 100%. That's really confusing. :D

rpeveri commented 7 years ago

384/5000 Hi good day. I would need your help. I'm testing with blogger and google sites nesbox, I load well the emulator 100%. But it stays frozen on that screen. Never load the rom. I leave the link so that they can see it all.


I await your prompt response and thank you beforehand.

    <div id="emulator">
        <p>To play this game, please, download the latest Flash player!</p>
        <a href="">
            <img src="//" alt="Get Adobe Flash player"/>

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    var resizeOwnEmulator = function(width, height)
        var emulator = $('#emulator');
        emulator.css('width', width);
        emulator.css('height', height);

        function embed()
            var emulator = $('#emulator');
                var flashvars = 
                    system : 'snes',
                    url : ''
                var params = {};
                var attributes = {};

                params.allowscriptaccess = 'sameDomain';
                params.allowFullScreen = 'true';
                params.allowFullScreenInteractive = 'true';

                swfobject.embedSWF('', 'emulator', '640', '480', '11.2.0', '/flash/expressInstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes);


nesbox commented 7 years ago

try to rename "Super_Metroid" to "Super_Metroid.smc" in the zip file

rpeveri commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much for your response. But it still does not work the same error. I'm like this now:

var flashvars = { system : 'snes', url : '' }; var params = {}; var attributes = {};

nesbox commented 7 years ago

seem the problem is in domains, you are using two domains and to host emulator and roms I think doesn't allow to download rom for blogspot So, try to host all the files on same domain.

rpeveri commented 7 years ago

perfect. I'm going to try some other host. Do you have any free to recommend me?

nesbox commented 7 years ago

try github pages :)

rpeveri commented 7 years ago


rpeveri commented 7 years ago

I do not understand how to use github to host a website. Do you know any other free? Thank you

rjo1 commented 7 years ago

I finally learned how to use github and manage to make the emulator work perfectly. I thank him with all my heart. You are a genius

rjo1 commented 7 years ago

I am rpeveri by the way. Now my question is how much space and bandwidth supports free github