Open scorpio2k2 opened 8 months ago
@scorpio2k2 unless you are running on localhost and connecting clients locally, too, you need an SSL certificate; the guide tries to handle certificates with caddy or certbot, but you should be able to configure the dashboard container (nginx) or caddy configuration files with paths to your certificates.
I was able to install it with getting-started-with-zitadel script but now I have other questions:
Certificates are handled by Caddy, which auto-renews them every three months using either Zerossl or Let's Encrypt.
For upgrades, you just need to pull new images:
Describe the problem
I was checking the Quickstart guide for self hosting but I don't want to expose port 80 and 443 to the internet.
Expected behavior
How can it be installed without exposing port 80 and 443?
Are you using NetBird Cloud?