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add the ability to assign circuit group from the edit circuit page #17198

Open goteamkor opened 3 months ago

goteamkor commented 3 months ago

NetBox version


Feature type

Data model extension

Proposed functionality

in the new beta, when editing a circuit, there is no drop down multi-select to allow you to assign circuit groups directly from the 'edit circuit' page. So far, the only way I've seen to assign a circuit to a circuit group is either from the circuit group assignments page, or from the circuit group page. Without this addition, there is also no way to determine what group(s) a circuit is in on the edit circuit page. You can only get that information when looking at the circuit from other views.

This would likely take the form of a new section in the edit circuit page for 'circuit group', which contains the same selections as the 'assign a circuit' page.



Use case

allow the ability to assign a circuit group directly from the 'edit' page of a circuit. This would make things consistent with other group assignment object types like contacts, tenants, clusters, etc.

Database changes


External dependencies


jeremystretch commented 1 month ago

This is because the assignment of a circuit to a group involves an intermediary model (CircuitGroupAssignment), which holds additional information, as opposed to a simple ForeignKey relation.

There is no pattern in NetBox currently for this sort of dual-edit functionality, and I'm not sure it's a path we want to head down. But if we do, it will likely be only after the implementation of #5858, which should introduce some new and necessary UI capabilities.