netneurolab / neuromaps

A toolbox for comparing brain maps
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Hill2010 maps missing left hemisphere [BUG] #76

Closed PeerHerholz closed 1 year ago

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Issue summary

The Hill2010 maps only include the right hemisphere.

Detailed issue description

When downloading the Hill2010 maps, both the evoexp and devexp contain only the right hemisphere. After having a look at the respective OSF repo it seems that they are also missing there. Thus, I was wondering if the maps for the left hemisphere are not available or if this might be a bug?

Thanks for this great resource and your respective efforts!

Steps to reproduce issue

>>> from neuromaps import datasets
>>> datasets.fetch_annotation(source='hill2010', desc='devexp')
>>> datasets.fetch_annotation(source='hill2010', desc='evoexp')

Software version


What operating system were you using when you encountered this issue?

Code of Conduct

justinehansen commented 1 year ago

Hi Peer,

Only the right hemispheres were available for both of these maps unfortunately 🙁 We do have a newer evolutionary expansion map from Xu et al., 2020 which includes both hemispheres.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!


PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi @justinehansen,

all good, no problemo, and obviously not your fault. Yeah, I saw the maps from Xu2020, that's great, thx! Do you maybe have any hints regarding bilateral developmental expansion maps?

Thanks so much again.

Best, Peer

justinehansen commented 1 year ago

Nothing immediately comes to mind but the Sydnor 2021 S-A axis map might be an alternative? I also did a quick look at the papers they cite re: developmental expansion - I didn't find any cortical expansion type maps with available data but it might be worth doing a deeper look (for example Raznahan 2011 might be of interest?)

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi @justinehansen,

thank you very much for the helpful reply and references, I highly appreciate it!

I would like to ask one question if it's ok (I can also move this to a different issue re traceability/not mixing threads). I was wondering if a future version of the docs might have some sort of "annotation glossary" entailing a short description of each map?

Best, Peer

justinehansen commented 1 year ago

Yes! We currently have a version of this here, and @liuzhenqi77 has been working on integrating this information into the fetchers themselves (see PR#73). If you have suggestions for how to better integrate this information or if there is other info you'd like to see in the table, definitely let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

Best, Justine

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi @justinehansen,

that's awesome, thx for sharing! Not sure how I missed this...sorry. I thought about a pandas df or dictionary containing the information, so your solution works perfectly (at least for me but I would assume basically also for every other user).

Thanks so much again for all the helpful information and dedicated work on this, it's a fantastic resource.

Best, Peer

justinehansen commented 1 year ago

Hey @PeerHerholz, I just saw this paper and thought of you! It's not cortical expansion but differences in structural connectivity from diffusion MRI. They show a map in Fig 5 that reminds me of the Hill 2010 maps, and they have a Zenodo. Might be useful?

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi @justinehansen,

I'm very sorry for the late reply. Oh, that looks super cool, thanks so much for the pointer! If you think it would also be useful for others, I'm happy to try adding it to neuromaps!?

justinehansen commented 1 year ago

Yeah that might be a good idea - let's put a hold on it for now (I'm going to try to better understand the data and how it could be used) but I'll follow up with you about this :grin:

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi @justinehansen,

sure thing, hehe!