config.absRefPrefix and lightbox rendering are only working when changing TS lib.parseFunc to lib.parseFunc_RTE (rte_ckeditor_image/Configuration/TypoScript/ImageRendering/setup.txt).
I need config.abresRefPrefix for the source links in a newsletter, sent by the directmail newsletter. Only images which have absolute source links are shown in all mail clients.
For the lightboxes I use the extension jn_lightbox, but probably other lightbox extensions aren't working too without change of TS.
I think, #117 should be reverted, so rte_ckeditor_image/Classes/Controller/ImageLinkRenderingController.php could be reused and so absolute links and lightboxes would be reworking.
This would be the correct TS:
lib.parseFunc_RTE { tags.img = TEXT tags.img { current = 1 preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageRenderingController->renderImageAttributes } tags.a = TEXT tags.a { current = 1 preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageLinkRenderingController->renderImages } nonTypoTagStdWrap.HTMLparser.tags.img.fixAttrib { allparams.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-file-uid.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-file-table.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-zoom.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-clickenlarge.unset = 1 data-title-override.unset = 1 data-alt-override.unset = 1 } } lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.encapsTagList := addToList(img)
config.absRefPrefix and lightbox rendering are only working when changing TS lib.parseFunc to lib.parseFunc_RTE (rte_ckeditor_image/Configuration/TypoScript/ImageRendering/setup.txt).
I need config.abresRefPrefix for the source links in a newsletter, sent by the directmail newsletter. Only images which have absolute source links are shown in all mail clients.
For the lightboxes I use the extension jn_lightbox, but probably other lightbox extensions aren't working too without change of TS.
I think, #117 should be reverted, so rte_ckeditor_image/Classes/Controller/ImageLinkRenderingController.php could be reused and so absolute links and lightboxes would be reworking.
This would be the correct TS:
lib.parseFunc_RTE { tags.img = TEXT tags.img { current = 1 preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageRenderingController->renderImageAttributes } tags.a = TEXT tags.a { current = 1 preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageLinkRenderingController->renderImages } nonTypoTagStdWrap.HTMLparser.tags.img.fixAttrib { allparams.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-file-uid.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-file-table.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-zoom.unset = 1 data-htmlarea-clickenlarge.unset = 1 data-title-override.unset = 1 data-alt-override.unset = 1 } } lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.encapsTagList := addToList(img)