neuroanatomy / eslint-config-naat

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how to explicitely set property as undefined with the no-undefined and no-void rules? #8

Closed ntraut closed 5 months ago

ntraut commented 2 years ago

We use the rule no-undefined which prevents to set with var x=undefined. A roundabout way to achieve the same result is with var x=void 0, but we can't do this either because of the rule no-void. We are using es6 so undefined problems may occur in only very special cases, shouldn't we authorize the use of undefined and set in place no-global-assign and no-shadow-restricted-names like suggested in

r03ert0 commented 2 years ago

Do we do x=undefined anywhere? I wouldn't... If I want to remove the value of x, I'd rather do delete x. I never compare to undefined either, but do if (typeof x === "undefined").

ntraut commented 2 years ago

You do it in I guess the goal is not to delete the property but more to enumerate some properties which will have to be defined after.

r03ert0 commented 2 years ago

hmm... there's maybe a better way of doing it. I think the idea there is to describe the structure of the object. Maybe doing x: null would be better.