neutronX / django-markdownx

Comprehensive Markdown plugin built for Django
863 stars 153 forks source link

Add example of markdown usage in documentation #177

Open Vamoss opened 4 years ago

Vamoss commented 4 years ago

I couldn't find a dedicated page showing what formatting options are supported.


# Title
## Subtitle
### Sub-title
--- rule
[link text](
![image label](
<img src="" width="100%" alt="image label" />
* list1
* list2
Pyvonix commented 4 years ago

In fact, markdown is a "normalized language" with a defined syntax (except if you decide to extend it).

By seeing the source code of markdownx you can see the following import: from markdown import markdown, who refer you Python-Markdown package. You have a great tutorial page how explains every native feature than you can use/enable. I advise you to take a look and if there is a need for further explanation don't hesitate to ask.

Maybe a line in the documentation to refer to the official Python Markdown documentation can help users?