The New Theatre was a fantastic place to get involved with all aspects of theatre. I'd formerly only performed, and I had the chance to learn about the technical side of things as well. I've gone on to direct since and I use a lot of the skills I learned here.
Bio2 (Post-graduation)
MA music at Bangor, still performing and getting involved in productions in Norwich.
Checked careers
Musical Director, Musician,
Other careers
A Clockwork Orange, 2008-2009 - Marty and ensemble.
Fall of the House of Usher - lighting and sound operator
The Bacchae - composer
A Day in the Life (student improv nottingham) - director.
Route 49 - (student improv nottingham) ensemble
Barred for life (student improv nottingham) - light and sound operator
Contact Preferences
Are we allowed to facilitate contact to this alumnus? Yes
Attempted File Generation
title: Jessica Hutchings
- Music BA hons
graduated: 2011
contact_allowed: true
- Musical Director
- Musician
links: *fill me out
award: *fill me out
The New Theatre was a fantastic place to get involved with all aspects of theatre. I'd formerly only performed, and I had the chance to learn about the technical side of things as well. I've gone on to direct since and I use a lot of the skills I learned here.
MA music at Bangor, still performing and getting involved in productions in Norwich.
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Bio1 (Time at theatre)
The New Theatre was a fantastic place to get involved with all aspects of theatre. I'd formerly only performed, and I had the chance to learn about the technical side of things as well. I've gone on to direct since and I use a lot of the skills I learned here.
Bio2 (Post-graduation)
MA music at Bangor, still performing and getting involved in productions in Norwich.
A Clockwork Orange, 2008-2009 - Marty and ensemble. Fall of the House of Usher - lighting and sound operator The Bacchae - composer A Day in the Life (student improv nottingham) - director. Route 49 - (student improv nottingham) ensemble Barred for life (student improv nottingham) - light and sound operator
Contact Preferences
Are we allowed to facilitate contact to this alumnus? Yes
Attempted File Generation