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Talk and collabora office is not working on nextcloud 25(beta version now) #1601

Closed gandc66 closed 1 year ago

gandc66 commented 1 year ago

How to use GitHub

Steps to reproduce

1.Open nextcloud page

  1. Go to settings talk/nextcloud office
  2. see that nextcloud Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server and talk backend.

Expected behavior

Nextcloud office and talk should pass the tests.

Actual behavior

Nextcloud tells that it can`t conneсt neither to collabora, nor to talk high perfomance backend. turn server is working fine.

Host OS

arch linux

Nextcloud AIO version

Current channel


Other valuable info

Now I am using nginx as proxy server but I also tryed NPM - no success

nextcloud office error Talk error Nextcloud log

nextcloud-aio-nextcloud container startup log below

2022-12-25T18:11:12.681840365Z              now              
2022-12-25T18:11:12.681870415Z ------------------------------
2022-12-25T18:11:12.681875585Z  2022-12-25 21:11:12.68155+03
2022-12-25T18:11:12.681878365Z (1 row)
2022-12-25T18:11:12.723763578Z Installing imagemagick via apk...
2022-12-25T18:11:55.046599754Z Installing PHP build dependencies...
2022-12-25T18:11:58.021545291Z Installing Imagick via PECL...
2022-12-25T18:12:28.832468298Z Configuring Redis as session handler...
2022-12-25T18:12:28.833451768Z Setting php max children...
2022-12-25T18:13:44.457782181Z System config value tempdirectory set to string /mnt/data/ncdata/tmp/
2022-12-25T18:13:44.466675418Z Applying one-click-instance settings...
2022-12-25T18:14:14.866680805Z System config value one-click-instance set to boolean true
2022-12-25T18:15:30.274008964Z System config value one-click-instance.user-limit set to integer 100
2022-12-25T18:16:00.684289876Z System config value set to string
2022-12-25T18:17:16.091718137Z support already enabled
2022-12-25T18:17:16.100239684Z Adjusting log files...
2022-12-25T18:17:46.536029500Z System config value logfile set to string /var/www/html/data/nextcloud.log
2022-12-25T18:19:01.942555718Z Config value logfile for app admin_audit set to /var/www/html/data/audit.log
2022-12-25T18:19:01.951139414Z Applying network settings...
2022-12-25T18:19:32.376048506Z System config value trusted_domains => 1 set to string
2022-12-25T18:20:47.800576033Z System config value overwrite.cli.url set to string
2022-12-25T18:21:18.227985306Z System config value htaccess.RewriteBase set to string /
2022-12-25T18:22:33.649757090Z .htaccess has been updated
2022-12-25T18:23:04.078643605Z System config value files_external_allow_create_new_local set to boolean true
2022-12-25T18:27:52.470421153Z System config value trusted_proxies => 0 set to string
2022-12-25T18:28:22.880698005Z System config value trusted_proxies => 1 set to string ::1
2022-12-25T18:29:38.320757110Z Config value base_endpoint for app notify_push set to
2022-12-25T18:31:54.565018589Z Config value wopi_url for app richdocuments set to
2022-12-25T18:33:09.998002564Z System config value allow_local_remote_servers set to boolean true
2022-12-25T18:33:40.574289388Z No ipv6-address found for
2022-12-25T18:34:55.990391053Z Config value wopi_allowlist for app richdocuments set to xxxx,,,,,fd00::/8,::1
2022-12-25T18:40:13.510180204Z System config value enabledPreviewProviders => 0 deleted
2022-12-25T18:40:43.917814577Z System config value preview_imaginary_url deleted
2022-12-25T18:40:46.540093273Z [25-Dec-2022 21:40:46] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 3657
2022-12-25T18:40:46.540111783Z [25-Dec-2022 21:40:46] NOTICE: ready to handle connections

maybe the problem is related to this

szaimen commented 1 year ago

Hi, can you follow

gandc66 commented 1 year ago

Timeout.... But I can connect to nextcloud right now. Screenshot_20221226_122330

gandc66 commented 1 year ago

nextcloud-aio-apache log:

ERR ts=1672045847.1163578 logger=http.log.error msg=dial tcp connect: connection refused request={"remote_ip":"","remote_port":"57978","proto":"HTTP/1.1","method":"GET","host":"<server domain>","uri":"/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications?","headers":{"X-Real-Ip":["<client ip>>"],"X-Forwarded-For":["<client ip>"],"Connection":["close"],"Authorization":[],"User-Agent":<User-agent  here>,"Cookie":[],"Ocs-Apirequest":["true"],"Accept":["application/json"]}} duration=0.00026577 status=502 err_id=a3v61x5d2 err_trace=reverseproxy.statusError (reverseproxy.go:1272)

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

ERR ts=1672045886.9288461 logger=http.log.error msg=dial tcp connect: connection refused request={"remote_ip":"","remote_port":"34524","proto":"HTTP/1.1","method":"GET","host":"<server domain>","uri":"/push/ws","headers":{"X-Real-Ip":["<clieent ip>"],"X-Forwarded-For":["<client ip>"],"Upgrade":["websocket"],"Connection":["upgrade"],"Sec-Websocket-Key":["<websocket key>"],"Sec-Websocket-Version":["13"]}} duration=0.000422579 status=502 err_id=kw7vtmtn5 err_trace=reverseproxy.statusError (reverseproxy.go:1272)
szaimen commented 1 year ago

I am sorry but I cannot reproduce your office connection issue. Running the debug command clearly revelealed that something is incorrectly configured in your network. So you need to find out what the cause of it is and how you can fix it.

As I cannot reproduce the issue (I even tried to reproduce the issue with a reverse proxy in my home network and it works here without any problem), I'll move this to discussions.