Process `NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)` terminated with an error exit status (12)
spades/spades_pipeline/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
return [atoi(c) for c in re.split("(\d+)", text)]
I'm wondering it's a lack of memory or if it's related to this issue that's been fixed in a recent commit, but not in the Singularity image (v4.0.0).
Command used and terminal output
$ nextflow run nf-core/denovotranscript -r 1.0.0 --input Mnova_samplesheet.csv --transrate_reference $WORKDIR/GIU3625_Humpback_whale.transcript.fasta --outdir assembly_results -with-tower -profile apptainer,bunya -c /home/ibar/.nextflow/bunya.config
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)'
Caused by:
Process `NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)` terminated with an error exit status (12)
Command executed: \
--rna \
--threads 12 \
--memory 72 \
-1 pooled_reads_1.merged.fastq.gz -2 pooled_reads_2.merged.fastq.gz \
-o ./
mv spades.log pooled_reads.spades.log
if [ -f scaffolds.fasta ]; then
mv scaffolds.fasta pooled_reads.scaffolds.fa
gzip -n pooled_reads.scaffolds.fa
if [ -f contigs.fasta ]; then
mv contigs.fasta pooled_reads.contigs.fa
gzip -n pooled_reads.contigs.fa
if [ -f transcripts.fasta ]; then
mv transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.transcripts.fa
gzip -n pooled_reads.transcripts.fa
if [ -f soft_filtered_transcripts.fasta ]; then
mv soft_filtered_transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.soft_filtered_transcripts.fa
gzip -n pooled_reads.soft_filtered_transcripts.fa
if [ -f hard_filtered_transcripts.fasta ]; then
mv hard_filtered_transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.hard_filtered_transcripts.fa
gzip -n pooled_reads.hard_filtered_transcripts.fa
if [ -f assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa ]; then
mv assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa pooled_reads.assembly.gfa
gzip -n pooled_reads.assembly.gfa
if [ -f gene_clusters.fasta ]; then
mv gene_clusters.fasta pooled_reads.gene_clusters.fa
gzip -n pooled_reads.gene_clusters.fa
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
spades: $( --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*SPAdes genome assembler v//p')
Command exit status:
Command output:
0:16:08.560 6841M / 7645M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 29316762 reads
0:16:12.854 6841M / 7645M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 39038979 reads
0:16:17.374 6841M / 7645M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 48782744 reads
0:16:21.645 6841M / 7647M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 58498936 reads
0:16:26.038 6841M / 7647M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 68271535 reads
0:16:30.401 6841M / 7649M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 78073658 reads
0:16:35.051 6841M / 7649M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 87867580 reads
0:16:39.744 6841M / 7649M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 97673676 reads
0:16:48.487 6841M / 7652M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 107471525 reads
0:16:53.077 6841M / 7652M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 117319145 reads
0:17:02.054 6841M / 7652M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 136865777 reads
0:18:05.624 6841M / 7660M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 273186636 reads
0:20:13.473 6841M / 7660M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 545964005 reads
0:24:23.811 6841M / 7662M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 1075403253 reads
0:32:41.601 6841M / 7671M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 128) Processed 2154882891 reads
0:37:55.337 1M / 7671M INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 134) Used 2804507304 reads
0:37:55.355 1M / 7671M INFO General (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 264) Starting k-mer counting.
0:37:55.364 1M / 7671M ERROR General (mmapped_reader.hpp : 52) mmap(2) failed. Reason: Cannot allocate memory. Error code: 12
=== Stack Trace ===
0:37:55.364 1M / 7671M ERROR General (mmapped_reader.hpp : 52) mmap(2) failed. Reason: Cannot allocate memory. Error code: 12
=== Stack Trace ===
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x61a97) [0x55605b40ca97]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x7cae0) [0x55605b427ae0]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x2888cd) [0x55605b6338cd]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x28a781) [0x55605b635781]
/usr/local/bin/../lib/ [0x7f61b79976d9]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f61b753d134]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f61b75bca40]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x61a97) [0x55605b40ca97]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x7cae0) [0x55605b427ae0]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x2888cd) [0x55605b6338cd]
/usr/local/bin/spades-core(+0x28a781) [0x55605b635781]
/usr/local/bin/../lib/ [0x7f61b79976d9]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f61b753d134]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f61b75bca40]
== Error == system call for: "['/usr/local/bin/spades-core', 'K33/configs/', 'K33/configs/', 'K33/configs/']" finished abnormally, OS return value: 12
In case you have troubles running SPAdes, you can report an issue on our GitHub repository
Please provide us with params.txt and spades.log files from the output directory.
SPAdes log can be found here: spades.log
Thank you for using rnaSPAdes! If you use it in your research, please cite:
Bushmanova, E., Antipov, D., Lapidus, A. and Prjibelski, A.D., 2019. rnaSPAdes: a de novo transcriptome assembler and its application to RNA-Seq data. GigaScience, 8(9), p.giz100.
Command error:
/usr/local/share/spades/spades_pipeline/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
return [atoi(c) for c in re.split("(\d+)", text)]
Work dir:
Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script file named ``
Description of the bug
step fails with the following error:I'm wondering it's a lack of memory or if it's related to this issue that's been fixed in a recent commit, but not in the Singularity image (v4.0.0).
Command used and terminal output
Relevant files
No response
System information