nfdi4plants / Swate

Excel Add-In for annotation of experimental data and computational workflows.
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[Bug]: ARCitect init with new file should clear localstorage stack #405

Closed Freymaurer closed 4 months ago

Freymaurer commented 4 months ago

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Freymaurer commented 4 months ago

This should be fixed now @Brilator. Will release soon. In about an hour this should be live 🐛

There is about 30% chance this issue is not completly resolved, should it still occur, please let us know asap 🙂

Brilator commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, it's not solved. ARCitect still displays ISA files across ARCs.

index-Va4R_8gr.js:55 Received Investigation BrassicaceaePhotosynthesis2023 from ARCitect!
SwateView.vue:125 init
SwateView.vue:82 Hello from Swate!
index-Va4R_8gr.js:55 Received Assay GCMS_Brassicaceae from ARCitect!
ArcControlService.ts:75 Sd {cwl: undefined, _isa: ka, _cwl: undefined, _fs: Wa}
SwateView.vue:125 init
SwateView.vue:82 Hello from Swate!
index-Va4R_8gr.js:55 Received Assay brassicaceae_phylogeny from ARCitect!
ArcTypes.js:1570 Uncaught Error: Unable to find assay with specified identifier 'GCMS_Brassicaceae'!
    at Proxy.GetAssayIndex (ArcTypes.js:1570:19)
    at Proxy.SetAssay (ArcTypes.js:1556:29)
    at AssayToARCitect (SwateView.vue:111:37)
    at handleEvent (SwateView.vue:78:18)

Assay GCMS_Brassicaceae is part of BrassicaceaePhotosynthesis2023. However, this is not the currently opened ARC.

Freymaurer commented 4 months ago

let me further investigate

Freymaurer commented 4 months ago

Found the issue! Now i am pretty confident this is resolved! 🎉 Will release a hotfix which should only fix this issue and will be online in an hour.