nforrester / NexPlane

Track airplanes and satellites using a Celestron NexStar telescope
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 5 forks source link


NexPlane can drive your telescope quickly, possibly in directions you do not expect. Though it makes an effort to avoid pointing at the Sun, you could easily misconfigure NexPlane (or it could suffer a catastrophic failure) such that this might happen anyway. Pointing a telescope at the Sun is very dangerous and could permanently damage your vision (or your telescope)! It is your responsiblity to remain aware of the locations of the Sun and your telescope at all times and take whatever steps are necessary with your equipment to avoid disaster. Additionally, many telescopes may not be able to point in certain directions without having parts of themselves collide, possibly causing damage. NexPlane has no way to know which directions these are, so you must be careful about this as well. Do not let NexPlane run unattended.

NexPlane comes with absolutely no warranty, and use of NexPlane is entirely at your own risk.


NexPlane can help you drive a Celestron NexStar telescope mount to track airplanes and satellites. SynScan mounts will probably work too, but have not been tested.

In order to track airplanes, you will need a source of live data about airplanes near you in SBS-1 (BaseStation) format. An easy way to generate such data is with an ADS-B radio receiver and Dump1090.

In order to track satellites, you will need recent TLE files downloaded from CelesTrak. These will be read by, which will then emit SBS-1 (BaseStation) format data so that NexPlane can pretend that they are very fast, very high altitude airplanes.

NexPlane System Diagram

Because all the software elements communicate over the network, you may place them on separate computers if you wish. Though technically you could place some of them in the cloud or otherwise disperse them across the Internet, you should probably try to keep them all close together to minimize latency. Furthermore, none of the communication between the pieces of NexPlane is authenticated, so it would be your responsibility to figure out how to keep hooligans from comandeering your telescope. Personally, I run on a Raspberry Pi connected to my telescope mount, and everything else on a laptop, with the two communicating directly by Wi-Fi.


Getting Started


You will need to set up a Python virtualenv and install the required packages.

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Begin by configuring NexPlane with your current location. NexPlane comes with a file called config_default.yaml, which you may examine to see the configuration syntax and the default values of things. You will want to create a new file in the same directory called config.yaml in which you override anything in the default configuration that does not apply to you. NexPlane will read both files when it starts up, so you don't need to copy everything from config_default.yaml. To set your current location, put something like this in config.yaml:

        lat_degrees: 38.879084
        lon_degrees: -77.036531
        alt_meters: 18.0

location: home

You can verify that this worked and see how your new config.yaml file was combined with config_default.yaml by running

$ ./
  kd: 0.1
  ki: 0.1
  kp: 1.0
hootl: false
landmark: null
location: home
    alt_meters: 346.0
    lat_degrees: 34.118874
    lon_degrees: -118.300536
    alt_meters: 481.0
    lat_degrees: 34.134046
    lon_degrees: -118.321633
    alt_meters: 18
    lat_degrees: 38.879084
    lon_degrees: -77.036531
    alt_meters: 1742.0
    lat_degrees: 34.222901
    lon_degrees: -118.062696
mount_mode: altaz
- localhost:30003
- localhost:40004
serial_port: auto
telescope_server: localhost:45345
- tle/visual.txt
- tle/stations.txt

Basic test with no hardware attached

The simplest way kick the tires is a pure software test (no telescope or other hardware attached). Start by downloading some TLE files from CelesTrak:

$ cd tle
$ ./
$ cd ..

This will download several interesting collections of satellite data for you to play with, and store them as .txt files in the tle/ directory. Now you can start up, a server that will compute the current trajectories of satellites. It will publish them on TCP port 40004.

$ ./
Listening on port 40004

In a separate terminal, start up in Hardware Out Of The Loop (HOOTL) test mode. This will act as though it is controlling a real telescope, but in fact it will only control a simulation.

$ . venv/bin/activate
$ ./ --hootl

It will open a window that looks like this:


This is an equirectangular projection of the sky. The horizon is the green line at the bottom. The top of the screen is straight up. South is in the middle, and North is at the sides. The current position of the telescope is the red cross with a circle around it. Satellites (and airplanes if you connect an ADS-B receiver) appear as blue crosses with labels.

The Sun and Moon are drawn too, with big yellow circles around the Sun to help you judge when you're getting dangerously close. An important safety feature of NexPlane is that if your telescope strays into the yellow circles around the Sun, NexPlane will immediately stop the telescope and will refuse to move it. You will have to use your telescope's hand controller to move your telescope away from the Sun (because you don't have a physical telescope in HOOTL, your only recovery option will be to restart

To being tracking a target, click on it. It will turn orange, and the telescope will move towards it. You will also notice a lighter orange cross appear nearby. The blue or orange crosses indicate the last known positions of targets, updated whenever receives an update from dump1090 or The lighter orange cross indicates the current estimated position, based on the last known position, the last known velocity, and how old the data is. This is where the telescope will point.

Once the telescope is pointed near the target, you may then apply manual corrections with the keyboard, as described in the next section.

Keyboard/Mouse controls

These are the most frequently used buttons:

Button Effect
Left mouse Begin tracking target
Escape Stop tracking target
w or k Small manual correction up
s or j Small manual correction down
a or h Small manual correction left
d or l Small manual correction right
W or K Large manual correction up
S or J Large manual correction down
A or H Large manual correction left
D or L Large manual correction right
q or o Reset manual corrections

Note that up and down correspond to elevation above the horizon and left and right correspond to azimuth. This is true no matter whether your mount is in alt/az mode or equatorial mode. For example, if you have an equatorial mount, pressing "W" will apply an offset in both right ascension and declination in order to achieve the correction you specified in elevation.

There are also buttons for adjusting the PID controller gains, which you can experiment with if the default gain set is not to your liking. Whenever you make an adjustment the PID controllers will reset any controller wind-up and the new gain set will be printed to the console.

Button Effect
r Increase proportional gain by 0.01
f Decrease proportional gain by 0.01
t Increase integral gain by 0.01
g Decrease integral gain by 0.01
y Increase differential gain by 0.01
h Decrease differential gain by 0.01

Once you find a gain set you like, you can add it to config.yaml.

    kp: 1.0
    ki: 0.1
    kd: 0.1

Hook up your telescope

To use NexPlane with a real telescope, run this on the computer with the telescope attached:

$ ./

NexStar telescopes plug into your computer using either a serial port (older models) or a USB port (newer models). However, even the newer models are just connecting a serial port emulator chip, so from the software's perspective it's always just a serial port. By default, assumes that you are using a USB telescope and that your telescope is the only USB serial device connected. As such, it scans through /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB9 and picks the first device it finds. If you wish to override this behavior to pick (for example) /dev/ttyS0, you may put a line like this in config.yaml:

serial_port: /dev/ttyS0

or you may specify this on the command line:

$ ./ --serial-port /dev/ttyS0

Running will start a server on port 45345 that provides clients the ability to send and serial commands to the telescope and receive responses.

Once this is running, restart without the --hootl option, and it will attach to the server and command the telescope.

$ ./

If and are running on separate computers, then you will have to tell NexPlane where to find the telescope server. You can do this by putting something like this in config.yaml:


or you may specify this on the command line:

$ ./nexplane --telescope

Get airplane data with Dump1090

If you have an ADS-B radio receiver, you can run Dump1090, and will consume data from it just like it will from dump1090 will output data on port 30003 by default, and will look for this.

$ ./dump1090 --net

If and dump1090 are running on separate computers, then you will have to tell NexPlane where to find dump1090. You can do this by putting something like this in config.yaml:

    -  # dump1090
    - localhost:40004    #

or you may specify this on the command line:

$ ./ --sbs1 --sbs1 localhost:40004

Landmark alignment

The usual way to align your telescope is with its built in alignment routines (SkyAlign, Auto Two-Star Align, etc.). These work fine in many conditions, but if none of the required celestial objects are visible, NexPlane presents you with another option.

If you can see a landmark on Earth with a known latitude, longitude, and altitude, add it to config.yaml, like so:

        lat_degrees: 38.879084
        lon_degrees: -77.036531
        alt_meters: 18.0
        lat_degrees: 38.889475
        lon_degrees: -77.035243
        alt_meters: 190.0

location: home

Now point your telescope at that landmark, and then tell that you have done so when you start it up.

$ ./ --landmark washington_monument

The offset between the known azimuth and elevation to that landmark and the reported asimuth and elevation from the telescope will be recorded and compensated for. This is similar to performing a One-Star Align.

Trouble spots

NexPlane probably contains bugs. It has not been tested by a large number of people or on diverse mount hardware. If it doesn't work for you, try reading through the code and making experimental changes to locate the problem. Diagnostic print statements are your friends!

One source of trouble in my experience has been unreliable networking. NexPlane makes a basic effort to tolerate network issues, but if you have a drop out for more than a second or two things are liable to go haywire. Running everything on one computer should fix most problems in this area. Wired networks are also likely to be more reliable than Wi-Fi.

Another source of trouble is the CPU overloading. I have tried to optimize things well enough to avoid this on my hardware, but if your computer is slower than mine you may run into trouble. Further optimization is certainly possible. An important sign that NexPlane is running up against the limits of your CPU is if one or more cores is running at 100% utilization (meaning that NexPlane is not taking any time to rest between cycles).

Command line details

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--hootl] [--no-hootl] [--bw]
                   [--location LOCATION] [--landmark LANDMARK]
                   [--telescope TELESCOPE] [--sbs1 SBS1]

Helps you track airplanes and satellites with a Celestron NexStar telescope mount.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Specify an additional config file to be read that takes priority
                        over config.yaml and config_default.yaml. This option can be
                        provided multiple times, causing multiple config files to be
                        read, with later ones taking priority over earlier ones. These
                        config files may alter the defaults for other command line
                        arguments, in effect serving as customized short-hand for
                        complex argument combinations.
  --hootl               Do not connect to, but instead run an
                        internal simulation of the telescope. This is useful for
  --no-hootl            Opposite of --hootl. This is the default
  --bw                  Make the display black and white (this is useful for
                        increasing contrast when operating in direct
  --white-bg            Make the display background white (this is useful to read more easily
                        on dimmer screens when operating in direct sunlight).
  --location LOCATION   Where are you? Pick a named location from your config file
                        (default: home)
  --landmark LANDMARK   If it is not possible to use the telescope's internal alignment
                        functions (perhaps because it is cloudy), you can manually point
                        the telescope at a location listed in your config file, and then
                        start this program with the --landmark option specifying where
                        the telescope is pointed. The offset between the known location
                        and the telescope's reported position will be recorded and
                        compensated for.
  --telescope TELESCOPE
                        The host:port of the process, which talks to
                        the telescope mount (default: nexstar.local:45345)
  --mount-mode MODE     Either altaz or eq, corresponding to whether you have an Alt/Az
                        or equatorial mount.
  --sbs1 SBS1           The host:port of an SBS1 server for airplane data. You can
                        specify this argument multiple times in order to receive data
                        from multiple servers. (default: localhost:30003,

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--serial-port SERIAL_PORT]
                           [--network-port NETWORK_PORT]

Exposes the NexStar serial interface on the network.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Specify an additional config file to be read that takes priority
                        over config.yaml and config_default.yaml. This option can be
                        provided multiple times, causing multiple config files to be
                        read, with later ones taking priority over earlier ones. These
                        config files may alter the defaults for other command line
                        arguments, in effect serving as customized short-hand for
                        complex argument combinations.
  --serial-port SERIAL_PORT
                        Which serial port to use (default: the first port it finds
                        between /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB9.)
  --network-port NETWORK_PORT
                        Which network port to use (default: 45345)

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--location LOCATION] [--port PORT]
                     [tle_files ...]

Consume TLE files that you downloaded from CelesTrak, and emit SBS-1 data that can consume in order to point at satellites.

positional arguments:
  tle_files            TLE files to consume (default: tle/visual.txt, tle/stations.txt)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG      Specify an additional config file to be read that takes priority
                       over config.yaml and config_default.yaml. This option can be
                       provided multiple times, causing multiple config files to be
                       read, with later ones taking priority over earlier ones. These
                       config files may alter the defaults for other command line
                       arguments, in effect serving as customized short-hand for complex
                       argument combinations.
  --location LOCATION  Where are you? Pick a named location from your config file
                       (default: home)
  --port PORT          Port to run the SBS-1 server on (default: 40004)