nginx / unit

NGINX Unit - universal web app server - a lightweight and versatile open source server that simplifies the application stack by natively executing application code across eight different programming language runtimes.
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CLI: instances listening on TCP ports are shown as unix sockets #1266

Open danielledeleo opened 1 month ago

danielledeleo commented 1 month ago

Very minor visual nitpick: when the control socket is bound to a TCP port it is labelled as a unix socket.

$ unitctl instances
unitd instance [pid: 10517, version: 1.32.1]:
  Executable: /opt/homebrew/bin/unitd
  Process working directory: /private/var/folders/f4/zhdby6p90115nc7hdg8x031h0000gp/T/tmp.h5LeycqaHr
  Process ownership: name: d.deleo, uid: 502, gid: 20
  Process effective ownership: name: d.deleo, uid: 502, gid: 20
  API control unix socket: unix:/opt/homebrew/var/run/unit/control.sock
  Child processes ids: 10517, 10517
  Runtime flags: [unknown]
  Configure options: --prefix=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/unit/1.32.1 --sbindir=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/unit/1.32.1/bin --logdir=/opt/homebrew/var/log --log=/opt/homebrew/var/log/unit/unit.log --runstatedir=/opt/homebrew/var/run --pid=/opt/homebrew/var/run/unit/ --control=unix:/opt/homebrew/var/run/unit/control.sock --modules=/opt/homebrew/lib/unit/modules --statedir=/opt/homebrew/var/state/unit --tmpdir=/tmp --openssl --njs --cc-opt=-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/include --ld-opt=-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/lib

unit:minimal (docker) instance [pid: 6074, version: 1.32.1]:
  Executable: unit:minimal (docker)
  Process working directory: <container>:
  Process ownership: [unknown]
  Process effective ownership: [unknown]
  API control unix socket:               <------- this thing
  Child processes ids:
  Runtime flags: --no-daemon --control
  Configure options: [unknown]
    Platform: Docker
    Container ID: 5f4db8ea3b33a38d78d8d0cc1d60f2b258c2acdaa272d36570275986ecbfd772
      /www => /host_mnt/private/var/folders/f4/zhdby6p90115nc7hdg8x031h0000gp/T/tmp.h5LeycqaHr

The structured JSON output is similar:

$ unitctl instances -t json | jq
    "version": "1.32.1",
    "control_socket": "",
    "log_path": null,
    "pid_path": null,
    "modules_directory": null,
    "state_directory": null,
    "tmp_directory": null,
    "runtime_flags": "--no-daemon --control",