Open vepatel opened 11 months ago
So, as a start, would it be fair to say that main_test.go
should be renamed flags_test.go
with those tests intended for main_test.go
moved into such a file?
@vepatel , I have a PR open for the renaming of the file to flags_test.go
I reviewed the coverage for flags.go
while flags_test.go
has 6 definedparseFlags, initialChecks, validateWatchedNamespaces, validationChecks, validateResourceName
don't have a testvalidateResourceName
doesn't need one as invoked by validateNamespaceNames
which has a test anywayvalidateWatchedNamespaces
doesn't need one as it invokes validateWatchedNamespaces
parseFlags, initialChecks, validationChecks
which I think don't need a test either as they are amalgamation/glue procedures and don't take an inputLet me know your thoughts.
Reopening because the second part is not done yet
requires more test coverage
as an example, there is k8s fake Clientset but this does not match the input to getAndValidateSecret()
which requires
Cannot use 'kubeClient' (type *"[](".Clientset) as the type *"[](".Clientset
main.go | Test Required Yes/No | Notes |
func main | No | |
func createConfigAndKubeClient | No | No return parameter |
func kubernetesVersionInfo | No | No return parameter |
func validateIngressClass | No | No return parameter |
func checkNamespaces | No | No return parameter |
func checkNamespaceExists | No | No return parameter |
func createCustomClients | Yes | |
func createPlusClient | Yes | |
func createTemplateExecutors | Yes | |
func createNginxManager | Yes | There is NewFakeManager but the intent of this is is different, not what I am thinking of |
func getNginxVersionInfo | Yes | But NewFakeManager will need to implement non-empty Version() |
func getAppProtectVersionInfo | No? | The function reads /opt/app_protect/VERSION file |
func startApAgentsAndPlugins | No | This requires starting an external agent unless we mock that as well |
func processDefaultServerSecret | Yes | |
func processWildcardSecret | Yes | Will need to be adapted to use fake.Clientset |
func createGlobalConfigurationValidator | No | This seems to be tested already in globalconfiguration_test.go |
func processNginxConfig | No | No return parameter; best tested at the individual module level |
func handleTermination | No | |
func getSocketClient | No | |
func getAndValidateSecret | Yes | Conflicts with kubernetes.Clientset vs fake.Clientset |
func handleTerminationWithAppProtect | No | Creates a golang CHAN waiting for SIGTERM signal |
func ready | No | This returns a function |
func createManagerAndControllerCollectors | No | This seems like an aggregator function, but we may be better off testing these individually |
func createPlusAndLatencyCollectors | Unsure | Quite a busy function and starts a syslog listener |
func createHealthProbeEndpoint | No | This calls getAndValidateSecret() locally which shall have a test, also calls RunHealthCheck() as a go routine |
func processGlobalConfiguration | Yes | |
func processConfigMaps | No | This seems more like glue/aggregator function |
func updateSelfWithVersionInfo | No | This seems more like glue/aggregator function |
@mrajagopal We're going to revisit this issue when we have the structured log.
requires refactoring as almost all tests are coveringflags.go
requires more test coverage.